Typical January

We had snow yesterday.  Nasty snow, the kind that comes at you with a side wind.

The chores for the day were easy since the cows didn’t like the weather and came in to huddle in the warming shed, all we had to do was go out and throw some hay in the manger.

All four of my hens decided that they really don’t like being outside unless the Mom/Rooster is present so they didn’t even ask to go out.  Actually they haven’t been wanting to go out much since the attack.

Which reminds me, the hen that was attacked is doing good.  I just have to wait for her feather to grow back in…as damaging as the attack was I am wondering if the feathers will grow back.  The other hens are not pecking on her (chickens can be so mean).  I keep lots of fresh stuff for them to peck on and a peck block so I’m hoping they will not get bored and find the bald hen interesting.

Cow prices are holding firm at a good price so we will be hauling the rest of our cows to market the end of this month.  Sure seems sad to me, but Terry is tired of working with the fences, which means the cows will have to go.  In my secret heart-of-hearts I am hoping he will miss them and we will get more.  I wouldn’t even mind some bottle babies.  I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Today has arrived with lots of sun and very cold temps, which will hold until Wednesday when another snow storm is to come in.  Typical of January.  The December snow was looking rather tired, if I say so myself.


Hope this finds everyone well.



18 thoughts on “Typical January

  1. I’m starting to really want snow, although I might think otherwise after we shovel. I am now wondering if that is the deal with my chicken…some of her feathers grew back, but there is a bald patch that I just thought was just taking its jolly old time…maybe they won’t grow back there at all…


  2. Unless he doesn’t like meat, I would think he’ll want a calf or two for that, at least…
    Glad to hear your hen is doing well!
    January is half over. Spring is on the way. 🙂
    God bless. ♥


  3. Hi there, Boy oh boy is it cold outside-I think it was 10 degrees this morning. I was discouraged to hear that more snow is expected but maybe it is just your area and not here. I’ve really enjoyed the dry warm winter.
    Have a good evening.


  4. Hi Linda, I hate to even say this but I love seeing your snow. I know you are tired of it –but we just haven’t had much winter this year… Oh Well–I’ll just enjoy yours…

    Glad the hen is doing fine…

    Take care and stay WARM.


  5. I think a day like this would make anyone want to give up on farming. I predict that Terry will decide a calf or two might be nice to have around in the Spring. I’m glad the hen is doing well.


  6. Brrr, Linda! Your pictures are pretty, but sure look cold. We are having warmer days here, but with the warmth comes high winds. Up to 52mph on Monday…and it was 75 degrees. Cold yesterday, now the next few days warm but the winds are back. Blowing dust, too. 😦
    Glad your hen is better. I can understand how both of you feel about the cattle situation. I would love some calves here, but since the goats have been out several times, I can understand Terry’s feelings, too. Ah, the decisions we have to make as we get older!


  7. Glad to hear that the hen is better. Our weather is crazy, even for Oklahoma!! Two days mornings were 17. A day later it will be 70 by noon. Ft. Sill bombed the west range all day. They don’t do that much any more so we “noticed” it. Keep warm, scratch the dog’s ears!!


  8. Hmmm, I need to have my hubby read this post. He is thinking ‘cattle’… I’m thinking we don’t have the set up (including fences) for such large beasties.
    I guess more snow is headed your way – hope it skips you and just hits the mountains!


  9. The cold and a dusting of snow have hit us here in SD.
    Did you find the culprit in the chicken attack?
    Maybe one gentle Jersey milking cow will fill the “cattle” gap? Then you get fresh milk too! 🙂


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