Work—Monday, January 20, 2015

4It’s time!  The range cows should be here in two weeks or less.  We spent time checking the fences along the North, East and West sides of our place.  They are not in too bad of shape, we fixed a little here and there, a broken off pole, a sagging wire–we still have to fix part of the fence where the Ditch Rider’s cut along the North side next to the main road.

Later on this week we will work on the South side and down by the other house.  Terry wants to have two dead trees cut down along the fence line in the yard of the other house.  One was hit by lightening in the summer and the other is rotten and leaning into the main road.

I DREAD this job!  Those trees are HUGE and OLD and full of WORK!  He has a call into a tree service now.

I know I’m being cynical but I know how all this goes….the tree people cut down the trees then leave.

The tree people  would clean everything up but the cost is exorbitant, so ‘we’ say ‘we’ will clean everything up.

The last time we did a nasty big tree job like this our son wasn’t working, our son-in-law had winter break at school, and another young man was bored and came over to lend a hand.  It took all of them, the tractor and loader, a wagon and myself to get everything out of the field. (We paid everyone, I fed everyone; so was a win-win!)

This time everyone is working or has moved.  Sigh!

So now that I’ve throw my fit, I just have to get my head around this new set of work and move on.  Fits never accomplish anything…I don’t know why I thought I needed to throw one.  😦

Heart Stone

Then while I was dreading the tree cutting job…the earth gave me a gift.  A rock in the shape of a heart.  All I need to do is take one day at a time…everything always works out for the best — if you just let it.—as my Momma always said. 🙂

Your friend,




21 thoughts on “Work—Monday, January 20, 2015

  1. I now exactly how it goes! Just tell Terry to be extra careful! You, too!! We still have five huge ones down that need to be cut up this summer. Not.Looking.Forward.To.That.


  2. So true! Funny how trees can get so big while you’re not paying attention and then you really have to “pay” to take them down. We told the tree guys to leave the main trunk of a huge evergreen we had cut down. We wanted to use it for firewood. Problem was–that tree was still green and HEAVY. Glad you at least got a gift to sweeten up the work.


  3. Huge job… I’ve been in cut tree cleanups in my time and it’s awful work.
    It’s always a relief to open that little pressure valve sometimes though… I bet you get unexpected help from somewhere. Hugs xx


  4. Yay for the cows return and the coming little calves!! Not so yay for having to take trees down and working with the wood. No fun at all. Be super careful!



  5. Would the county come out and cut it down, chip it and be done? Since it is hanging over the road. The power company comes out and will trim or cut down trees in the lines. No charge. 🙂
    Whooo whoooo! The cows are coming! 🙂


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