The Hollow Place in My Heart—-Monday, May 23, 2016


Sometimes I my heart breaks…I’m sorry.  But it does.  Today I’m having a hard time. Please forgive my short post.  Tomorrow I hope to be back to myself.  I want more than anything to get back into that place of joy that is the most basic of happiness.

I need to gather the pieces of myself again.  To snip off those offending, worrying thoughts.

Today-my-heart-is-sadI hate to even write this, but I promised myself I would always write the truth to you.  That my blog posts would be sincere, honest and full of candor. This blog would verify my approach to the world.

My connection to you real.

Break-through-sunSometimes I wish I could reach into the future and see the outcome of that which is worrying me…but the reality is:  I’m glad I can’t.

Your friend,


51 thoughts on “The Hollow Place in My Heart—-Monday, May 23, 2016

  1. Wish I could lift your spirits as you have mine these few years since I stumbled onto your Blog site. Fears and worries streak through all our lives like a meteor falling from space. Majority of them burn out with no consequence. May your worries fizzle out as well. If not, deal with it then but worrying about the future will never change it. Odds are in your favor! (Still a Friend!)

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  2. Depression is called the common cold of psychology because everyone gets it sometimes. Just went through a bout myself. As they say, one cannot be happy and content all the time…one must taste bitter to enjoy sweet.

    As Gram used to say, This too will pass….

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  3. Hi Linda,

    I have humbly found through my darkest seeming moments in this experience of Life , that turing to God is the only solution as there is only power,not a bunch of little powers. Turniing to the two commandments Moses was given, one of them was; This is a verse I turend to today in my own tunfolding. and need to understand God more:( : Deut. 6:4-8
    Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest.” With God as our wayshower and being one power…well I find I can step out of my own worry thinking I am going to do ..really , it is all harmonously done and one I read every day Provers 3: 5,6″ Trust in teh Lord with all thine heart, lean not on thine own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him , and He shall direct thy paths….. Blessings and peace in Truth Warm Hugs,..Merri

    Liked by 2 people

  4. If I could take it and suffer the heartbreak for you, I would. It would be a privilege, and thanks for all the joy you give the rest of us during the year. I wish you serenity to live with the worry, and strength to deal with whatever the outcome is. But mostly I wish you lots of love. xxxxx

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    • Oh! You are so sweet! And to off with your painful back! I am so ashamed. I’m doing better…work always helps.

      I have told myself I am not going down the sad and depressed road (the begats of which I don’t want).

      I think what we think begats more of what we think…therefore if we are angry…thinking angry thoughts we act out anger all the time so more and more anger comes to us.)

      I’m drawing to myself only things that make me feel happy so happy and joyful and so peace begets more for me.


      • The last thing you should feel is ashamed. Think of it this way: if you want a job done, you give it to a busy person. I thought that as I was in pain anyway, I could carry a bit more for a friend 🙂 It’s something I can actually do, instead of lying around feeling useless. And you’re right about thoughts multiplying. The minute I start to feel the least bit sorry for myself, it all avalanches and I end up in a full-bore black hole. I draw to myself the happiness of having a friend like you….

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  5. Linda, I am so sorry to see you feeling bad. I wish I could say something that would brighten you right up. I’m sure there are many worries related to the planting chores that you have there on the farm. Whatever is bringing you down right now, I pray that it will be gone soon and things will be better. Just know that there are so many of us out here in blog land who look forward to hearing from you every day and also praying for you and keeping you and your hubby and family in our thoughts and prayers. Chin up, Linda. Praying things will be better soon.

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  6. Dear Linda, I’m late chiming in here. Maybe by the time you get this the difficulty will be passed, your outlook will have changed. Or maybe you are in the valley of the wave and you need to wait for the next crest to come. Did you know that Spring is a difficult time for many people? I don’t really know why, but doctors often mention it here, in Italy. At ime of green and rebirth and growth, and yet we feel, well, down. You are loved near and far. At home and abroad. Wish I could give you a hug in person, but my best wishes for you will have to be felt across the digital divide. Lots of love. Hang in there. Breathe deep. x

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  7. Know Monty Python? When I get down I humm the song “Always look on the bright side of life” even if it is a bit silly. 🙂
    p.s I hope its not anything to do with Boomer, that would break my heart.

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  8. We all get our ten minutes on the pity pot, then we have to get off and see if there is a new way of perceiving the obstacle to our joy. In those 10 minutes, you got to write yours out and send them into the ether’s. We all get to bless it and blow it away from you. I always write my heartaches away. Once they are on the paper, they are released from the heart and it can start to heal. So beautifully written here. Thank you for sharing your ache. It gives the rest of us permission to share as well.

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