The Air Dances and Shimmers with Cold —- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

morning-with-snow-cloudsThis morning’s sunrise seemed to dance and shimmer along the eastern horizon—coloring the snow clouds, with a pirouette, of brilliant color.

on-a-walk-006So different from the brilliance of the setting sun last evening.  At that point in time the air smelt of dried corn stalks and the sharp tang of summer brushes (sagebrush, chico, and rabbit), as they each, separately cooled down their sap; making their roots warm, ever so warm to hold them through the winter.

on-a-walk-003Once more we were blessed with that amazing magical light; lighting up even the most mundane of things—common weeds.

on-a-walk-002As we walked along, Terry, Boomer, Min-Min cat and I — the air swept through last years plants—we walked on one of the farm roads watching the wind moving in the beginnings of the snow clouds

storms-004 As the darkness rose up to to meet that stunning descent of yesterday’s sun.  We walked back home, pushed along by a bitter wind. What little warmth on the land being quickly sucked up by the coming of the night.

From my world to your heart,


20 thoughts on “The Air Dances and Shimmers with Cold —- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

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