The Morning Shivered with Frost—-Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Although the morning temps were way, way below freezing

The Spring sun broke out from storm clouds and lite up the earth in a golden light

The shadows being pushed back; shrinking into the last place of dark comfort by buildings, fences and trees…waiting to rise again to join the coming of night.

The crazy, wild, bone-chilling wind of yesterday has gone the way of a thousand moaning lost souls…

Farm work started back up—the sounds of the day: the thrill of the Western Meadowlark, the chirp of a pair of nesting Robins, and the singing of the Red-Winged Blackbirds adding into the distant hum of the tractor in the field.

These are my sounds of comfort;  a chilly, but nice peace floating on the golden light, of the morning sun.

From my world to your heart,



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