The Scent of Ozone Sharp in the Air—-Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Yesterday was a cold, chill day…with threatening rain clouds, splashes of rain striking, in huge sploshes on the dry soil, and the collective sigh of all green things opening up for the possibility of rain.

Still the ground stayed dry enough Terry could continue leveling on the Middle field

Making it back into the farm yard,  while the lightening flashed and burst  way, way over there on the Uncompahgre Plateau.

One last check of the water before another patch of dark rain splattered and darkened the earth.

The sunrise this morning was stunning.  The Gray velvet veils of clouds had lightened and the silent, jagged forks of lightning way over on the rim of the western sky—- gone.

The enchantment of a new day, after a storm is just beautiful!

The clean fresh air, the smell of watered soil, the shining washed leaves—the brilliant burst of sunlight coming through wildly colored clouds…humbles me and causes me to give heartfelt THANKS for being allowed to be alive — to enjoy each and every day.

From my world to your heart,



12 thoughts on “The Scent of Ozone Sharp in the Air—-Wednesday, May 10, 2017

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