Behind—-Monday, March 4, 2019

The farming season is taking a long time to begin.Β  The earth is still wet; filled with mud, ice and snow lying in the shadows

If it were a normal year, Terry would be out on the land disking in the corn stalks and getting ready to plow—–yes, most farmers still plow here, it’s all about the type of soil on a farm

We are thickly covered in clouds today, although, there is hope for scattered sunshine

And it’s cold. The wind, you know, goes right through a body.

As wet as we are Terry is thinking it will be at least two more weeks before a tractor can get out there and begin…I guess we wait.

There really isn’t anything anyone can do until the weather gods say COME ON SUN, it’s time for Spring to begin!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


22 thoughts on “Behind—-Monday, March 4, 2019

  1. Waiting for better weather seems to be an issue in many places this season. The local hyrdo-electric dam [Wolf Creek Dam] has been discharging water at record rates for the past two weeks.


  2. Yeah that happens here too. the fields some years are still under water until April and then it is catch up catch up—One place we lived we hayed for several years but the rain comes even in july and ruins good hay—I decided I didn’t want to be at the hands of Mother Nature. LOL Now Cheri and Cameron are—-so cold there . Cheri said it is 8 below—poor calves
    I am whining because I am cold at 19 above


  3. This whole season is off schedule. Ours at least. It’s colder than normal here as well and more snow showers coming in the next week or more. We don’t get snow this late in the year! Love the rainbow above. Have a magnificent Monday.


  4. You’re describing what we call a ‘lazy wind’: it can’t be bothered to go around you, so it goes straight through you. Stay warm, and I hope the temperatures rise soon.


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