The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— Birds and Other Things Friday, September 20, 2019

Mom and I have taken to long walks.  Well, longer than normal.

We have to be careful because Mindy cat wants to walk with us and Mom doesn’t want Mindy to get side-tracked; stay out on the farm, and become COYOTE FOOD!

So, Mom puts Mindy in the house then we go out!

And about.

Looking for BIRDS!

(And other things.)

Sometimes Mom,

Mindy, and I go out at night.

That’s when Mom likes to take photos of the Moon…in every stage of the Moon’s growth.

Sometimes Mom will even get a photo of a wild creature…

like the Raccoons, who live in the hollow of the Willow tree and like to eat Mom’s tomatoes!

Although Mom personally has never gotten a photo of the Raccoons, she did put up a game camera so the game camera could get a photo of the raccoons.

(Photo from Mom’s archives)

The wild geese are plentiful now.  Three large skeins have flown over our heads, even while I write to you.

Soon the Sandhill Cranes will be here.  Mom says the big birds are back early…she thinks we will have an early winter.

But until then, there is still stuff to do in warm Autumn days!

Boomer Beaglie Brown (a.k.a. Sherlock)



20 thoughts on “The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— Birds and Other Things Friday, September 20, 2019

  1. Mom certainly finds many interesting things to photograph when she’s out and about with you, Boomer. If you do get an early winter I hope you will send some of that cooler weather our way. It’s still very hot here — too hot for late September!


  2. Today, as I read, I realize that I’ve been following this blog long enough to feel the cycling of the seasons through your stories. The Sand Hill Cranes have come and gone several times… as have the summer blooms…and the waters that run into your irrigation channels. Season in, season out. Year in, year out. As much as I sometimes hate what technology does to our lives, I also love being able to follow these passages through someone else’s eyes. It’s pretty amazing.


  3. coyote-lunch is what we used to call what seemed to be an “annual donation.” fortunately, our present bunch (of cats) has been (knockkawnwood) spared that … and today (9/21) is borderline cool! as I know is the same @ your house. what “Betty” wants for the upcoming winter is for “it” TO FREEZE enough to kill off the elm-bark beetles! which we have been plagued with most the summer and still ongoing. takin’ the dogs out on a run shortly …


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