Our Last Week in a Series of Photos —- Sunday, March 8, 2020

We live in an area where the water table can cause havoc in a farm field.  So years and years and years ago, when our part of the world was just getting settled (from 1882 onwards)…the need for water and for good farm good was vital. (it still is)

As the population expanded the requirement for good land and water increased.  I have read diaries of men who helped create and build the canals on California Mesa and Ash Mesa which confirms the horrendous amount of work it took to bring water to our high mountain desert landscape.

After getting water here they realized they now had to put tile lines under the farm ground to get the water to ‘move’ on out and back into the canals.

These very creative people used thick clay tiles to create the drain lines which move the water from under the ground back into canals.

We are not sure, but we think the tile lines on our place were put in around 1890 or 1900.  Gradually over-time, the clay tiles collapse and must be replaced.

 So THAT is what we have been doing for six full days.  Replacing the tile line in one of our fields.  The water, which comes out of this tile line, feeds into a ditch that flows to all the farms in an area called Saw Mill Mesa.

This very expensive operation helps not only us but those on-down-the-line. 🙂

Now you have a wee lesson on water, the maintenance of the water and what we were doing this past week.

Tomorrow I will continue.  I hope I don’t bore you.  I found this whole process fascinating, interesting and VERY labor-intensive.  All through the process, I kept thinking about those marvelous men of years gone-by which did this all by hand.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





18 thoughts on “Our Last Week in a Series of Photos —- Sunday, March 8, 2020

  1. The whole water situation (diversion dams, drilling, water rights) throughout our state is very interesting – especially in your area. It’s amazing what they did over 100 years ago – with no computers! Glad you share this info and your photos!


  2. Wow that’s interesting Linda. Thank you for sharing the history of your water and what you’re doing now to repair and replenish it. Looking forward to your next post about this!


  3. My goodness. I had no idea that there had been that much work to bring water to your area. And, clay tiles do have a life span…unlike the PVC pipe I think I saw in one of your photos. Our town, with its age, still has a lot of terracotta sewer pipes. They are subject to tree roots breaking them apart and causing sewer backups in houses. We have a home across the street (the house that shows up in some of my Moon shots) that has had quite a bit of sewage trouble from the pipe with Willow Oak tree roots all in it. They will, eventually, have to dig up their driveway and replace the pipe from the house to the street. The street pipes were changed many years ago.

    I know you must be worn out.


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