Building the Barn


We had to take a break on the new barn…work got in the way…but Saturday Terry and I started moving the steel we’ve been ‘collecting’ over the years.


Sometimes Terry whishes that he had just bought a steel building, but then he gets out there and starts working on this project and is glad he didn’t.


If something is done everyday….it might be done before spring work. (That’s our little joke)


As always, Sammy-Sam liked to help!

11 thoughts on “Building the Barn

  1. The barn I am sure will be such a wonderful thing when it is all done. We have a lot of helpers like your Sammy Sam! I just had the best laugh from your last post with your chickens. So good! blessings,Kathleen


  2. Your off to a great start! There’s tons of satisfaction in doing things yourself even though it seems it will never get done sometimes.
    I’m looking forward to tagging along as the barn goes up 🙂


  3. I love to build things. Your barn project will be a lot of work, but it will be so great to have it finished and know you did it all yourselves. Nice view of the mountains in the background.


  4. It’s looking good. We have a steel building in the Ozarks and we have to work on it when we get out there. Hopefully, because we are going to be so much closer to you, I can get MM to head out your way and then put him to work on your new barn 🙂


  5. wow gives new meaning to “barn storming”… when we first moved here.. we thought maybe, maybewe’ll take riding lessons… now 5 horses later, a barn 2 stalls, an arena and round pen later.. boy we’ve been blessed… Tho unlike you , we hired someone to help us with our barn…

    you guys are incredible… good weather for good barn storming blessings going out 2 you



  6. The steel beams looked heavy. Is Terry moving everything with the tractor? Looks like his idea for the beams will work, now that I see it all put together… I am visual, I need to see it going together then its like, oh ya I get it…. I wish you were here too… I think Evan and Nate together are gonna give me a run for my money,( I need back up, where is Shannon when I need her?) but I am soo glad they have fun and joke around…They were on line playing games with Jordan the other night, that made me very happy…


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