The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— What Mom Knows, Friday, September 25, 2020

Because of an amazing, generous gift, from an Oklahoma Farm Girl

(I cried when I opened the card, I am still so humble and grateful)

I was able to take Boomer to a specialist

Where, upon I learned —

The devastating news

That Boomer has liver disease

Not any of those other things: Nose fungus, pneumonia, tumor in the nose, something stuck in his nose, not a nose anything.

Which is so frustrating because I did have X-rays taken, but was told they were inconclusive  

Strangely the X-rays taken this time, showed ME the very large, expanded liver, his chest and everything else x-rayed.

I bawled.

Here I thought I was doing everything right.

Even the prednisone was damaging the already damaged liver.

I didn’t know. 

I really didn’t know.  

So, now you know.

And now I know.

He is on medication to clear up an infection.  Also, one to help the liver digest better.

Other than that—– What we have left is time. One day at a time—time.

Of which, I plan to make the most of.

Oklahoma Farm Ladythank you ever so much.

My heart is full and breaking.

You gave to me Boomer and his family a lovely gift of Time—one day at a time.

And for THAT We all Thank you!

From my heart to your heart, each and every one of you, Dear Readers,


Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Twelve, Friday, September 11, 2020

Chapter Twelve

What Mom doesn’t know.

She really doesn’t know how Beaglie is doing.

Sometimes he seems better, ever so much better.

Then sometimes not.

Last night Mom sat up with Boomie from mid-night to two in the morning.  Then she came back to bed and petted and petted and petted me.

I purred lots for Mom.

Sometimes Mom needs comforting also.

Then in the morning Boomer seemed like his old self.

But getting up he hurt his leg.


So now Boomer is on ¼ dose of Prednisone to help the pain and inflammation in his body.

It’s cold here!

The Canadian Geese are back…Early.

Mom, Boomer, Dad, and I all think we are heading toward a very hard wet winter.

Although, by Saturday we are going to be in the high 80’s again.  But the lows are what count this time of year….in the low 40’s, they say.

I still like to go out and hunt and protect the farmyard from other cats and mice—mice are yummy, pretty damaging. I see it as my ‘job’ to take care of mice.  No one takes care of mice like I do!

Anyway, maybe Boomer will feel like going back on the farm with Mom and Dad.

I guess only time will tell.

So, while Mom sets and pets on Boomer, I sit with Mom and comfort her.

What Mom Doesn’t Know?

Mom says—‘when in comes to Boomer-she just doesn’t know.’


P.S.  All the photos of Boomer were taken last week before he got really sick and the weather turned bad.




Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Eleven, Friday, September 4, 2020

Chapter Eleven

We’ve had a hard week, Mom and I.

Very hard.

I got sick again.

Very sick.

Horribly sick.

Deathly sick.

Mom took me to the vet…the prognosis wasn’t good.

Mom cried and cried and cried.

Then, after giving me all the meds…I seem to be doing better.

It’s my nose again.

Maybe my chest.

Maybe my stomach.

Who knows?

The x-rays didn’t really say.

Mom just couldn’t afford all the blood work and the ultra-sounds and all the other tests.

So, she and I talked about it.

We decided to go with the x-rays and the medication.

The prednisone pumped me up so much I couldn’t sleep.  Spent the whole night panting, and moving up and down, going in and out.

So, no more SPEED for me.

Just the antibiotic for my nose.

Mom and I talked about that also.


It all started back up with all the smoke in the area.

Yesterday Mom said:  “Come on, Boomie. You and I need a change of pace.  This panting and huffing and puffing is not good.”

Up I went with her to check the water.

We went at noon and again in the evening.

Honestly, I think I am better today.

I sure hope so.

Mom and I have our fingers and paws crossed.

I trust Mom.

Mom kisses me lots on the nose and tells me to work hard and get well, Boomie.  “We have lots of stuff still to do together.”

I sure love Mom.

(Mom doesn’t really know how things are going to go. Please pray for the best.  The best for Boomie. I will do my best to accept whatever is meant to be.   Thank you, my friends!)

From my heart to your world,



Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Ten, Friday, August 28, 2020


Chapter Ten

Mom got a phone at noon. It was my brother,


The news was not good, Mom’s grand-dog, and my bestest buddy, Zookie Brown passed away.

Zookie and I were great friends.

When Zookie and Bella got to stay with us, Zookie always slept with me.  Bella would sleep with Mom on the bed, but Zookie slept with ME!

Zookie was 20 years old.

Mom said she was very glad that Bella and Zookie got to stay with us while their Mom and Dad moved to Montana.

It was the last time we all got to be together, Bella, Mom, Dad, Zookie, and I.

When Mom and I were coming back from being ‘out-on-the-farm’ we saw a Sun Dog.

Somethings are hard.  Saying good-bye is one of those hard things.

But I think…this is just what I think, but I think,  that was really Zookie saying everything is fine, here over the rainbow bridge.

Good-bye, Little Buddy.  Good-bye.

Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Nine, Friday, August 21, 2020

Chapter Nine

Dad had ‘stuff’ to do in town.

So, Mom, Mindy,

and I hung out in the yard

with the hens.  Mom worked.

Mindy and I had ‘stuff’ to do.

Then Mom called me and asked if I wanted to go with her, to take some photos at the Upper End, or maybe the Back Forty, or who knows even over on the Rocky Point.

Or, shudder, Coyote Hill.

Sure, I bayed.

Off we went.

Mom saw Quails and Stewart.  Stanley wasn’t anywhere to be found.

I looked for him.  But nothing.

There were lots of birds

Even a hawk hunting, or was that a Buzzard?

Neither Mom nor I knew.

We drove around lots.  Mom would get off,

then I would get off, then Mom would take photos,

and I would sniff out the news.

Back home again we went.

It was fun.

Just Mom and I.

We were pulling in when we heard Dad coming home

Zoom, zoom,

Home came Dad. We were all home at the same time!

Once more…Mindy didn’t go.  Mindy doesn’t know what she misses.  

But Mindy says…That’s Okay.

She says I don’t know what I miss when I am gone!

So, instead of what Mom doesn’t know…

once more it is what Mindy doesn’t know.

“Who cares?” Mindy said as she scampered away.



Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know Chapter Eight, Friday, August 14, 2020

Chapter Eight


Off Mom (and Dad)  and I went on the four-wheeler…. time to change the water.


Mom sat me down.

I hung around for a time, watching Mom.

Pretty soon Mom was caught up in digging and shoveling and—you know, Stuff.

So Off I went.

Heck, there are things to see and stuff to learn about out on the farm, hanging with Mom and Dad is rather BORING!

I snuffled and sniffed my way over to WAIT!

“Hey, Hi, Stanley!

Stanley stopped munching on the peanuts Mom puts out for him.

“Hey, Boomer! Long time no see!”

I just started to make myself comfortable when Stanley came to attention, then suddenly jumped down; ZOOM he was gone.

I wonder what scared him.


Nothing happening out here, but a flock of corn birds flying around.

I looked up just then

and saw HAWK!

OH! That’s enough to scare anyone!

Just about that time I heard Mom hollering for me… “BOOMER LET’S GO!”



Time to go.

I trotted back to Mom. She picked me up and sat me right back down on my comfy spot on the four-wheeler.

“Forward we go, Mom!” I yipped.

Forward we go!




Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Seven, Friday, August 7, 2020

Chapter Seven

This time MOM KNOWS!!!

The little bird…the one trapped in Dad’s pick-up grill, the one Mom saved and kept calm and gave it food and water and helped it hide…


Flew away this morning, while Mom was freshening up the water and cleaning the food tray!

YAY!  Mom and I LAUGHED OUT LOUD!  Then Mom told the little bird good-bye; “Come see us again.  We are so glad you got well.”

This time MOM KNOWS!

And Mindy Kit-Kat Brown


Which is a very good thing…cats and fluttering birds NEVER mix!

Hee Hee, snort, chuckle

Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Seven, Friday, July 31, 2020

Chapter Seven

I watched Mom got into the car.  Not just any car, THE CAR…and off they sped.  Mom and Dad.

I took myself,

this and

that way,

here and


up and


and around corners

and over to the Butler Bins.

Then around that corner where I ran into


Freddy and conversed for a spell, then he took off.  I still hung around checking out this and that,


I slid into the cornfield on the other side of the ditch.

Mom and I think that coyote caused some damage to the young buck hanging around.

Hide, shiver, shake.

Whew! Gone!

Back over the ditch, I went, again…

QUAIL!  Whew!  That thing scattered fast.  I guess it thought I was DANGER!

Home again I went.

Maybe Mom and Dad are back!

Back into the yard…a tad tired.

Sat down in the shade when through the garden ran


I was just getting ready to have a talk with Stanly when a loud rumble came roaring down the long, long, lane…



Sniff around the tires while the man got out and walked to the back door then walked back and got in.  In-between all his walking I got in three 3! Pees next to his tires.  THREE!  I can’t get my leg up in the air anymore, but I sure can leave a puddle or three!

Then the guy back up and was gone.

Well, nothing more to do…I checked here and then I walked over to there.

I was starting to get tired and bored!


I heard something!

I ran as fast as I could to the bridge.

YES! There were Mom and Dad!


Good, they are back.

I watched them park the car up and get out.

Inside we went for a long nap.


Then later on in the afternoon, Mom said, “Come on, Boomer. Let’s go for a ride.”

So WE did!

Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Six, Friday, July 24, 2020

Chapter Six

While Mom and Dad were out in the second hayfield

trying to beat the

rainstorm heading our way—

I decided

to let myself out of the house


When out of nowhere

LOKI showed up!

“Hey, Boomer! Let’s go do something!”

Oh, my goodness, I thought to myself, Loki-Ta-Moki—Mindy Cat better hide

“HIDE MINDY!” I bayed

As soon as I bayed Loki decided to go FIND Mindy….

Ears up, tail wagging…

paws in FAST MOTION…Loki took off right to Mindy’s favorite spot to hang out.

Whew…No Mindy.

“Hey, Lok!  Slow down.  Let’s check for news and see what has been happening around here.”

I put my nose to the ground and started sniffing—

“Squirrel, Loki, Mom’s squirrel she has been feeding, came through.”

‘O!  Lok—SKUNK!!! We’ve got to be careful.  Either one of us gets sprayed it’s sleeping in the shed tonight.”

Loki just bounced around, running here there and everywhere.

“Just give me the good stuff, Boomer, something that runs fast and will get away from me.  Ya know.  I don’t want to catch anything…I just want to CHASE! Like RUN FAST!

Humm, I muttered –“Oh, Loki!–-FOX!”

“FOX!?”  Loki stopped his prancing and dancing around. “WHERE? WHERE!”  Tell me, Boomer…POINT THE WAY!”

“Huh, I think he headed to the Upper End, Loki.”


Loki yelled as he sped around the junk pile

Geez, I wonder if I got that dog lost.  Man, will the little kids be upset!



Oh, well…time for a nap.



Later that day…

just around evening I heard lots of chatter and the patter of feet.

Out the door, I went.

There was Kya, Black Dog, and LOKI!

Loki said he had a blast at the Upper End.  He didn’t see the fox or anything really…he just ran and ran and ran.

I led the way to the Back Door,

Where we all milled around until  Mom came out with treats for ALL OF US!!


Then Mom and I walked with my sister, all the dogs, and my little human niece, Tally, half-way back to the other side of the farm, where they were staying for the summer.

Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know Chapter Six, Friday, July 17, 2020

Chapter Six

Here is a series of things Mom doesn’t know about—Only Mom’s camera knows—I don’t know where Mom’s face goes when the camera is out, but it does leave.

Her face I mean

Whenever I see the camera on Mom’s face, I turn my head. Just Say’n.

“I turn my whole back to Mom,” Mindy stated

As she left the scene.

Sometimes I just leave.


So here we go:

What Mom doesn’t know,

but her camera does—

And, of course,

Mindy and I know

I’ve tripped on these crazy things…they look like snakes

If I could tell Mom…this coyote has a den next to the equipment area…we have GOT to be careful when up there!

The Upper End is home to the family of deer…I like to bay at them

Sometimes they come into my yard at night—I always Hollar when they come in the yard

Mom’s camera seems to always be pointing at birds

Well, that’s it!  The First Alfalfa field and the Back Forty are looking good.

Mom and I   (and sometimes Mindy) just hanging out (oh, yes and camera face)