A Gift of Rainbows

It rain, it poured, the wind blew and then hail fell, followed by more rain.  That is how late afternoon went, Terry and I came in from irrigating just soaked.  Just after supper, when I was getting ready to put the chickens up for the night, the sun came out and a double rainbow appeared.

But if that wasn’t gift enough on the way to work I saw….

After I dropped down the hill I saw this…

And just as I drove into work another appeared.

I feel incredibly blessed and more than extremely lucky!  Someday I would like to see a moonbow. I saw a really neat article on moonbows stating that moonbows are really rare for conditions have to exactly right: a clear, dark night, full of heavy mist or raindrops and a particularly bright full or near-full moon shining low in the sky behind you.

In 1879, Mark Twain reported while out to sea “a magnificent lunar rainbow—a complete arch, the colors part of the time as brilliant as if it were noonday.”

I’m sure witnessing a rain-spawned moonbow is matter luck, but maybe sometime I’ll be some place that air pollution and artificial lights can’t ruin and I’ll see one. 

At least I hope to,


before I die.  🙂


18 thoughts on “A Gift of Rainbows

  1. I hope you do get to see one.
    I had never heard of one (o:
    You certainly hit the jackpot of rainbow viewing.
    it is almost three and we just had a pretty good rain….
    wonder if more will follow
    I have to go to the school for a science project viewing(o:
    don’t want to get soaked


  2. Such beautiful rainbows!! I haven’t seen one here in such a long time.

    I hope you get to see your Moonbow someday. I’d love to see one as well 🙂


  3. How beautiful–and lots of them! Hope not too much damage from the hail. We missed a forecasted severe weather event yesterday. Am glad as some farmers cotton is up already. My renter is like my late husband, not in too big a hurry to plant as the ground needs to be warm enough for seed to germinate and it barely is that here. Also, we would be planting the first time and others would be replanting after a hail storm. The price of cotton seed is horrendous, so is better to only plant once!

    Take care…Blessings!



  4. I love rainbows also, we had a double one on saturday but I didn’t take pictures because I seem to think that the camera never does them justice but it is soo nice to them when they do come out! Yours were beautiful, you did a good job capturing them!


  5. I saw my first Moonbow last Oct. or Nov. as I was coming home from a meeting in town.
    Oh my!!!! what a sight. I was very much a distracted driver. The moon was full and very bright and we had been having showers and I could see a full arch. Absolutely Beautiful.


  6. I am just so jealous, I have only seen one so far this year and it disappeared practically before I could get a photo..A Rainbow is on my photo bucket list. Last summer you got lots of great rainbow shots..I think you must be living in just the right place:)


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