The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Dog Walks

We now have jobs!!!  All of us…Shannon’s two Rottweiler’s, Balau and Rock, and her Mountain Cur, Huston,

plus Hank, and Boomer and myself….Fuzzy “The Dude” McDoodle Brown, Fuzz to my friends and Dude to my Mom.

Anyway, we all have jobs now.

We are dog walkers.

Mom and Shannon volunteer at the local shelter to walk dogs —we all knew something was up because the NEWS on their clothes when they came home WAS SOMETHING ELSE!!!! Let me tell you!

So Mom told us last Sunday…you boys have work to do and it’s to help shelter dogs have fun.  What is going to happen is some of the shelter dogs are coming out here to play and socialize and learn farm skills so when they are adopted the new family will be really pleased at all their new dog and do.

The first to come was a baby…he is cuddly and sweet and cute and get got really tired the first time going around the farm…so we only walked two miles instead of what we could have walked.  The next time he did better and didn’t have to stay on the leash but walked with us as pack.

We walked around and looked at the corn.  He saw some great birds to bark at, although he didn’t bark.


This is a female Redwing Blackbird.

The two pit bulls are STRONG…Mom says they need to work as a team for sled dog race, they are really work well together.

They walk at the Confluence Park


Where lots of Canada Geese have flown back too.

They like other dogs and love to play, although the girl can be a bit bossy and wants to take over…I sat her in place.


I am the head dog…no one forgets it!


So that is what our new jobs are since farming is over…we are volunteer dog walkers.  Who would have ever thought!

Boom and I talked about it after everyone went home.

The energy of the whole thing rather tired me out, but HEY! I’m game!

We decided that this is a good thing — since we are ‘found’ dogs, we know how they feel and can help them have joy in their lives until they get a forever home.

Here’s our 4 O’clock photo…a storm is moving, going to be a wet cold one my old bones tell me.

Anyway, back to our job…here is a thought— Boomer and I really enjoy paying it forward.  As you go about your day, try to pay it forward at least once — for one good thing brings on another good thing and before you know it all the dogs in the world will have a good home.

OOPPS, what I wanted to say is one kindness always brings on another kindness which makes the world a lot better place.


15 thoughts on “The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Dog Walks

  1. We have several people from the humane society who bring foster dogs out to play in our big fenced yard and social with people and our dogs. Although Iris (the Fun Police) isn’t very sociable usually ;-). Good for you Fuzzy!


  2. Pingback: The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Boomer Takes Over | Life on a Colorado Farm

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