February 13, 2013

There is a hint of spring in the air!

The dogs didn’t want to stay in the house this morning, leaving around 5 :00 to hang outside and do dog things.  I have asked them to come in a couple of times, but they just aren’t interested.

Today I head down to the Museum and Historical Society to work on transcribing one man’s many journals about his life.  I’m on book three, there are 120 pages to each book.

He is one of the original settlers to our area, settling on Ash Mesa, which wasn’t named that when he applied for his homestead acres.  It was so named after he applied — the mesa is named after him.  His last name of Ash.

I am at the part where he and the other settlers of the mesa are starting to dig the Ironstone Canal to bring water to the mesa.  (The Ironstone Canal is also the canal that brings water to our farm on California Mesa.)Sunrise-1

Our sunrise this morning was outstanding!

It does have a hint of spring in the air….I do believe the dogs are on to something!



16 thoughts on “February 13, 2013

  1. Beautiful sunrise picture!! We had a drip of rain and a dusting of snow yesterday…clear skies this morning. I’m with your pups, ready for Spring! Have a great day, the history sounds so interesting!



  2. You have a fun job! I got to transcribe some of my grandma’s memoirs and I really enjoyed it. And I am very much looking forward to spring!!


  3. You have a fun job! I got to transcribe some of my grandma’s memoirs and I really enjoyed it. And I am very much looking forward to spring!!


  4. Wow, what a sunrise…almost makes getting up early in the morning a good thing!

    Your dogs are onto something. Spring must be just around the corner.


  5. They are always worth rising early to see aren’t they we woke to a fluffy blanket of fresh snow. 🙂 easy to shovel and not enough to bother with the roof 🙂 Today we can walk and take in the beauty as long as we don’t crash and burn on the ice just under it 🙂


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