Each and Every Day –Thursday, April 13, 2017

We went through a long spell of chilled nights last week, resulting in the thinning out of the pears and possibly the prunes and plums.  Which is alright, as fruit must be thinned to produce large sized fruit.

But the last two evenings and days seem to have moved into a much nicer contrast of warmer temperatures.

We are gradually getting the corn ground wet—Terry wet plants.  What that means is he waters everything up first….wet clear through—called subbed over.  Then the ground sets for a few days drying out. After it reaches a certain point in dryness he will go in with the planter and plant the corn.

While that field dries out we move the water to another field.  The water flows non-stop until harvest now.  This field, that field, always moving and changing.  (Just so you know the water is never wasted, it flows back into the canal to be taken out by the farm just below us…repeated for several more times until it reaches the Gunnison River.  Just has it has been repeated to get to our farm.)

Where the water merges with the Gunnison RIver.  The Gunnison river then flows on down to Grand Junction, Colorado, where it meets the great Colorado River then flows on to California.

The early mornings and the last of the day—evening—are still cool enough we wear jackets…the daytime warming up to summer time temps.

All the time, day after day…the work steadily progresses.

But throughout each moment there is amazing beauty…from early morning sun,

to the calmly arriving night; reinforcing Terry’s and my joy of living on the land.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



18 thoughts on “Each and Every Day –Thursday, April 13, 2017

  1. Such beautiful pictures!! We got some thunderstorms last Wednesday. My farmer planted the corn here on the home place that morning and God watered it in in the afternoon. That inch of rain was so greatly timed for the corn! The cotton won’t be planted until later in May.

    No freeze here in April and I hope we don’t have a hard one any more. I really want to get all of the geraniums, that have been taking up residency in my bathroom for the winter, outside! So our two year old fruit trees will hopefully give us a peach, apple or pear, or two.


    Liked by 1 person

    • One inch of water! THAT is a goodly amount!! We haven’t had much moisture
      for a spell now. I hope you do get fruit…all those pies and jams are so nice come winter.


  2. Hey Linda .. how exciting, your new cement ditch full of water. Good to know that many farms share that precious water. Wish I lived closer, I’d love to come and lend a hand. Just love love that last image my friend, that is a special shot! Taken from the heart 😃

    Liked by 1 person

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