About Mindy

You see I am basically a very shy cat.

I lived a long, long time in the wild. I had several litters of kittens.  It was when I was having my last litter, I met Mom.  I had traveled from a long way to the other house.

Mom was down there painting the inside and the outside of the house because Misty and Kelly and the grandchildren had moved.

That’s when Mom saw me and I saw Mom.  Mom started feeding me every day some yummy cat cereal.

Gradually, over time, I followed Mom to my house now.  I made friends with Dad first, then I let Mom pick me up.

And, well, the rest is history.

It’s a good life.  Although, I miss not having kittens to love.  I loved my kittens very much.

My job is to keep the house, the farmyard and the other buildings free of MICE!

What an amazing job!  Just perfect for me.

Then whenever I want….and I mean WHENEVER I get to come into the house and sleep anyplace my little kitty heart wants to sleep.

AND I get yummy treats, hearty cat food, and MILK!  I never knew MILK until I came to live with Mom and Dad.


Anyway, I guess I can get over being shy and help out Boomer on Friday.

Hello everyone.  This is Mindy-Lou Min-Min Kit Cat Brown