The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Wednesday —Farm Life Series, Chapter 3, Birds, Wednesday, March 23, 2022

We have Doves—Mourning and Ring-necked and once in a special while white Doves.

We have Pheasant and Quail and some other types of birds who run lickity split and scatter all over the farm.

We also have those Giant birds—Canada Geese and Sandhill Cranes.

While speaking of birds:  There are Owls, Hawks (all shapes and sizes),

and once in a great while Eagles.  Not very often Eagles, but there has been one or two who land in the old Weeping Willow trees.

Then we have all those delicious, oops, little birds: Robins,

Western Meadowlarks, Finches of all sorts, all types of Sparrows, Barn Swallows, the list is so big and so long I can’t tell you all of them.

AND there are the Hummingbirds!  Now, if I really want to get in trouble, all I have to do is stalk a hummingbird.

Mom said she isn’t going to feed the birds (any birds) because I am a tad naughty about birds.

I don’t see how I’m naughty—really, I don’t.

Mom does

and what Mom says goes.

So, I have to change my diet to a ‘clean’ diet forgoing BIRDS!!!

Only mice from now on out for me.

TLC Cai-Cai

18 thoughts on “The Adventures of TLC Cai-Cai on Wednesday —Farm Life Series, Chapter 3, Birds, Wednesday, March 23, 2022

  1. I don’t get to feed the birds here anymore either unless the weather is really crummy and I know that cats are all hunkered down :-(.


  2. Stalking birds seems difficult, you being wingless and all, CC, I have never stalked anything in my life, (Mom says I am too much of a klutz), but once a butterfly flew by my mouth and I ate it. Mom said, “On no you didn’t,” but oh yes I did. BTW – it was NOT as delicious as you’d think…

    Love and licks,


  3. Charlee: “Oh yeah, the proper birds are back!”
    Chaplin: “Little chirping flitting birds!”
    Charlee: “So fun to stare at and jump for when they get near the windows!”
    Chaplin: “And maybe to chase if ― aaaiiiieeeeee incoming hawk! Run away!!!”


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