Then the Broad Strokes of a Massive Blizzard — Sunday, February 19, 2023

Our world illuminated in blue and white



And filled with wind

So very eloquent

This snow burst which came in Monday night, lasted all day and all night Tuesday, all day Wednesday —

I had to sweep off the chicken run roof several times—the chickens complaining they missed the sun! They didn’t much like being in a tunnel πŸ™‚

The last I measured we had 10″—then the wind came up and more snow came down.

What an amazing deadly stunningly gorgeous storm!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


32 thoughts on “Then the Broad Strokes of a Massive Blizzard — Sunday, February 19, 2023

  1. We had that this week and everyone here complaining their cars are stuck in the snow. No one in condition to shovel them out. We had minus 2 degrees after, so snow goes nowhere. I’m content since I don’t drive anyway. It’s so beautiful but I know chickens do not like the cold. I think March may come in like a lion. It could be so much worse, like NZ.


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