The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Doing Much Better, TLC, Friday, June 28, 2024


Finally, I am doing much better!

Almost, ALMOST, back to my old self!

I still have moments when things over-whelm me and I have to sit down and pull out as much fur as I can.

If Mom sees me doing that she grabs me, takes the fur out of my mouth and gives me lots of and lots of pets and kisses.

That helps. I forget about what is making me scared.

What has helped?


Well, it wasn’t the calming collars.  I turned into a twisted tornado of fear when Mom put that thing on my neck.

It was a Feliway defusser. 

Made me purr happily.

TLC Cai-Cai


14 thoughts on “The Adventures of Boo Berry Betty and TLC Cai-Cai on Friday—-Doing Much Better, TLC, Friday, June 28, 2024

  1. Yes!! Feliway is Great… Mommy sprays it on MrKatz when he has to go to the vet. He’s old (17) but tough, except when it comes to the vets. Good to hear you’re feeling better… Tank, Boo’s friend (I can’t believe I wrote to a cat)


  2. Glad you are better, TLC! That’s a very good thing. Yes, Feliway is a great aid. I used them when our kitties were younger. You & Boo Berry Betty take care & try to stay cool! Chai kitty says meEoOOww!


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