Thursday Fences and a Look at the Fields–July 3, 2014

White-fenceI was sitting at the stop light waiting to turn right when I realized that right there!!! Why right there in front of me was a cute fence with colorful roses sitting off it’s charm.  Quickly I pulled out my camera, took a shot just the light turned green and drove on by.

Looking at the photo later I still thought the fence was charming.  It off-sets the family home (which you can just see the corner of the porch roof) and the Antique Shop on the other side of it!

The whole feeling is of a bit of whimsy as a person is sitting at the stop light waiting to move forward with the day.  (The Antique Shop is pretty neat also—one has to remember that we are a fairly young state so the antiques here will not go back to the beginning of America–like you would find in the original Thirteen Colonies! 🙂 )

Corn-Field-1The corn is looking good! (I forgot to get a photo of the pinto beans…will try to do that today.  It should be a no brainer as all I have to do is walk out the front door 🙂 !

AlfalaYou saw the Alfalfa the other day.  I’ll get a photo of the pinto beans so you can see how fast they are growing.

Our days are nice an hot.  Not so hot it is hard to breathe but nicely hot.  We are still have wind in the afternoon…and THAT is a hot wind.  Still it only lasts for four hours then dies down.

For more fences head on over to Teresa’s blogspot!

I’m off to go buy my monthly amount of groceries…lots of nice sales right now because of the up coming Anniversary of our countries Independence from England!

See you in the comments,
