We were lucky, the weather held until we got the hay in.  Terry stacked it in a whole other spot so it won’t get mixed up in the really good hay. 

Since we only had the irrigation to do and Terry needed a part for one of the tractors we took off for Rocky Ford, Colorado.  (The home of the wonderful cantalope—–and great tractor and combine salvage yards).

Blue Mesa Dam was beautiful

This is where we get our irrigation water, so seeing if full is wonderful!

It was fuller than we’ve seen in a long, long time.

The shopping center was full of all sorts of goodies

So much to chose from

In the end the perfect part was there.  And for a really nice price.

Home again.

Along the way I was given  a gift also

Pretty Cool.

We got back to a couple of really big, fast moving rain storms.  Everything is rich and green, including the weeds.

So I guess you know what I’ll be doing today. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and leaving comments.  I plan on getting around to everyone’s blog soon and hope to get all my comments answered today!


Anniversary of Delta County 1883-1958- The Fair