Fall Maintenance Work

Terry and I spent yesterday switching out the broken gated pipes for new pipes,

putting in new seals in the pipes that needed them.

He also decided that he wanted to not replace the four broken pipe but extend the dirt ditch further into the field.

If he likes this he might (MIGHT) turn the whole ditch into a cement ditch…heavy on the might.  The cost will be high, but the work load (after the ditch is made) lots easier.

Fall Maintenance work just makes spring work that much easier!


13 thoughts on “Fall Maintenance Work

  1. You guys never stop .. and i do agree that thinking way ahead with the work does pay off.. so much to do and here I am sitting .. i had better get on with my own chores! love love c


  2. We are starting our fall work here too. We have all of our hay and straw hauled into the yards and are working on a new windbreak fence in one of our corrals. My husband tore the old one out with the loader yesterday. Hopefully by the end of the week we will be done with that project. We will also working our calves, giving them pre-conditioning vaccines a few weeks prior to shipping them. There are so many things to get done before winter comes aren’t there?!


  3. It looks like the irrigation thing is more work than the rest of the farm? Yes, I know irrigation is everything. If you didn’t have irrigation there wouldn’t be any crop.


  4. You have inspired me! I have been enjoying your blog (especially the photos) so much I went out and bought a small point and shoot digital camera that I can carry with me and take my own photos. I have only had it a week and have already taken more pictures with it than I have taken in two years with my bigger (more expensive) professional digital camera!


  5. Farming is a lot like gardening, only on about 1000 degree scale. The more we do in the fall, the easier the spring work becomes. And of course there is that beautiful scenery to inspire you. Do you ever stop and admire it?


  6. Reading your reports on this farm life in Colorado for a couple of years, now makes me think that the work that you and Terry do constantly to maintain irrigation pipes, is possibility the reason my families and relatives stuck to sheep (merinos for wool) or beef cattle(Shorthorns).
    Where I lived in the 1950’s, there were only a couple of wheat properties, associated with sheep, as a backup. And as for pipes for irrigation, that was unheard of. It was beef cattle and sheep country.
    Now that area is cotton country – irrigation all over the place, but still the water is a problem.
    All comes from the rivers running south from Queensland into the Darling River system, which ends up going into the sea, (when flowing) at Adelaide, SA. All depends on the weather from north with abundant rainfall. This area right down to Adelaide and the Gulf where it enters the Southern Ocean is as flat as the floors in your home.
    Now the problem is between the four states involved, all fighting over water rights!
    One bloody river and the water verses 4 states wanting the water. What a dilemna?
    The forecast for this summer ( 2012/13) does not look good, dry, VERY hot and cyclonic along the coastline of the Pacific.
    Ah dear we will here, wait and see.
    Very interesting post as always Linda to show your readers that life is not all that easy on a farm.
    Colin ( Brisbane.Australia)


  7. A farmer’s work is never done, eh?!
    As we drove through Idaho and other areas with irrigation, both hubby and I noted different types of approaches to getting water to the fields.
    I can remember my grandfather constantly working on his irrigation ditches. If he wasn’t going out to adjust the openings to the fields, he was cleaning them out or repairing one thing or another. It seemed to be constant work.


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