A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That—Sunday, April 17, 2016

Head-Gate-2Here is the loud, roaring (we can hear it two fields away), scary (to me) headgate.

See all the trash the comes down Terry takes it out several times a day!

Head-Gate-1Here Terry is opening the chute so we can get water onto our place.  It’s measured in holes.  Only so many feet of water (holes) goes with our place.  I don’t like walking across the little board (which you can not see) to get to the little chute — I get dizzy and want to topple over into the roaring mass of water.  It takes lots of concentration for me to get there, clean the trash out, adjust the boards (the boards are laying across the cross over board from one cement wall to another, and get back.  Terry just walks over like it’s dry land.


My pear trees are just stunning.


Today the plum trees burst into bloom even though it terribly cold, with a nasty wind.  And a freeze warning for tonight and tomorrow night.   I guess I won’t have to worry about thinning the fruit again this year.  A mixed blessing.

Fire!Terry and I were working on setting water when we saw five fire trucks speed past our place so we jumped on our four-wheelers and headed off to the Rocky Point…sure enough.  The neighbor, who almost burned us out a few years back, had set another fire that got away from him.  Thank heavens for quick response…the fence line you see is our property.  Scary!  But they got it out so all is well.

Mid-night-water-check We have to check the water around mid-night or one, because of all the trash coming down the canal.  Trash backs up the water and causes floods, or breaks through or over dams or ditches.  This time of year the trash is the worst…wind, opening up of farm ground up above us, and opening canals that feed into ours.  By the first of May or so, we should be okay.  (No mid-night walks for Boomer and I, but mid-night rides and water checks instead. 🙂  )

In spite of how all this must read.  Please believe me this is a very good life!  I can’t imagine any other.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


53 thoughts on “A Little Bit of This and a Little Bit of That—Sunday, April 17, 2016

  1. Our laws are so different here. Burning is banned statewide until well into May. If someone set a planned burn they would probably be arrested. The Amish still do it, and we still have lots of brush fires set by accident though. Glad they got this one before it got you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, beautiful trees, and fire is never a good things, especially when they can’t keep it under control! I don’t think I would want to attempt the water walking either 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your trees are, or should I say were, blooming so beautiful! Mother Nature… sometimes ya wonder. I need to get out and shovel drifts :-/ The ground is white again.
    I dislike headgates and swift moving water, too ~ and in the dark, never! And the neighbor… I wont even start!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My God – your “fire bug” neighbour wouldn’t last long here.
    The ‘fines” would send the idiot bankrupt at the rate he irresponsibly
    lights up. He may even have to get use to “prison garb and food”.

    That water sure looks wild coming down the canal. Pity about all the rubbish
    that comes with it. Must he tiresome for Terry to be constantly cleaning it
    all out? But then again it is your lifeline for the crops, so that comes with
    the job, eh?

    Lovely Autumn winter morning here – cloudless and sunny.
    Unfortunately Beethoven’s mob of crows love it and are squawking their
    bloody heads off – MY real “Cross of Lorraine” to have to bear (with
    gritted teeth and murderous thoughts)
    Colin (Brisbane)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I was going to ask how long he has to keep clearing it! But you answered. Sorry for eejits burning away the nutrients again, oh man it’s a bad idea isn’t it?
    Pear tree is AMAZING! Sure hope you are well past frost and it keeps being so happy.

    Liked by 1 person

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