Life at Ten Months Old—Chapter One, Autumn, Fall, Or Whatever You call It, Friday with TLC Cai-Cai, October 8, 2021

Mom says I’m ten months old now.  Ten Months.

I’ve been with Mom and Dad since I was 6 or 7 weeks old.  That’s a long time. And it’s been a good time.  I’m very glad I have Mom and Dad.

I’m also very glad my human sister found me wandering around in a parking lot in a very big city called Grand Junction. I was really, really, I mean REALLY hungry, scared, and missing my real Mom.

I really don’t know what happened—why I was thrown away at such a tiny, tiny age, but I was.

I used to have Mindy Kit-Cat Brown, but she left. Mom was really sad and upset for a very long time.

Neither Mom and I understand why Mindy had to leave, I wanted to be her friend and everything.  Mom said Mindy decided to go, that she got jealous (whatever that is) and wanted a different life.

I’m sorry.  This is a really nice life.  I would share it with her.

Anyway, back to being 10 Months Old.

WHAT a great time I’ve been having—there are birds to chase, mice to capture and toss in the air, and grasshopper–-GREAT BIG GRASSHOPPERS!  They hop AND fly.

But for some reason…most of the birds are gone, the mice aren’t I still find lots and lots of mice, and a random stiff grasshopper.

Mom says it’s because it’s turning cold outside.

Which brings me too now!

The sun has started taking a LONG time to wake up!  A LONG TIME.

Mom won’t let me go outside until the sun is UP!  She says I have to wait until all the wild cats,

the foxes, and the

coyotes have gone to bed. Then I can go outside and play.

I go outside! The minute she will let me! I RUN out the door and I don’t come back until I get hungry.  And that happens in about an hour or two.

Sometimes Mom and Dad go to town.  If Mom is riding to town with Dad, then I get to GO!  Mom puts my green harness on with the long leash I like to bite and chew on.  Loads me up on her lap and we are OFF!

It’s not my favorite thing to do, but I do rather enjoy it.  I like looking at all the green things out the window, the people at the stores, but I hide when there are loud trucks and such around. I hide by putting my head in Mom’s elbow. Then when the sound is gone, I sit back up and look at everything.

Back home I help Dad and I help Mom, but mostly I look for things to play with.

Play is my work you see.

TLC Cai-Cai


8 thoughts on “Life at Ten Months Old—Chapter One, Autumn, Fall, Or Whatever You call It, Friday with TLC Cai-Cai, October 8, 2021

  1. At 10 months old play is DEFINITELY your job. Your mama is smart to keep you inside while the predators are outside. Otherwise, instead of being 10 months old, you’d be breakfast for one of those hungry guys.

    Love and licks,


  2. Charlee: “It’s good to have a job you really enjoy, TLC Cai-Cai! Like hunting mice and grasshoppers!”
    Lulu: “Seems to me like your favorite job is napping.”
    Chaplin: “Well, yeah, but we would totally take a job hunting mice and grasshoppers if one opened up!”


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