The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—A Christmas Story from Fuzzy

iop I dreamed of Fuzzy last night. It was a good dream.  We used to do lots of stuff together…Fuzzy and I.

RideAs I was laying in the rather thin sunshine this morning I was thinking how Fuzzy used to tell me stories.

I miss his stories.

Since its Christmas time I got to thinking about the story Fuzzy told me last year…it went something like this:

My Fuzz and the Boom

Fuzzy and I were laying outside in our dog houses, sorta like I am right now.  Suddenly Fuzzy asked, “Are you sleepy, Boomer?”

“No not really.  Are you sleepy Fuzzy?”

“No.  I haven’t done much today but sleep.”

You know, Fuzzy, I was wondering do you know anything about this time everyone calls Christmas?

Well, I know a few things—like our people always put up trees, and hang lights outside so we can see the best bushes to pee on.  They go to town lots and come home with packages that Mom puts all over the place.  Then she puts those packages under the tree and waits.

Then the big day comes and everyone is here to eat food and drop stuff on the floor and eat food and laugh and make an even bigger mess than we would EVER think of making!

Really, Fuzzy…that is all there is to this Christmas Thing?

Well….really ….Boomer, no…no that really isn’t what Christmas is really about…it’s so much more.

Gosh, that’s good Fuzzy, please tell me.  I really want to know.

Okay, Boom…it goes like this—

When I was a little tiny pup many, many years ago my Momma told me this story.  My Momma said her Momma told her and her Momma before that all the way back to when this story started.

This sounds really good, Fuzzy I’m all ears!

It’s called—How We Got Christmas

Oh!  Good!  Now I will know.  Thank you, Fuzzy.

Well, a long, long time ago in a land far, far and away, a land full of sand and giant animals called camels.


Yes, Boomer.  But the story isn’t about camels.

Okay, Fuzzy…I’ll listen.

In this land of sand and camels and sun…there was a man and a woman traveling to a big city to pay their taxes for the year.

What are taxes, Fuzzy?

They are like, hummm—if you have five bones and Mom makes you give her one because she thinks you have too many, then that one bone you give Mom is a tax.

OH!  I don’t think I like taxes.  I’m really glad Mom doesn’t make us pay taxes, Mom gives us the BONES!!! J

Go on Fuzzy, I like this story.

Okay, the man and the woman were traveling to this big city; with lots and lots of other people. There were so many people that all the places where people sleep were full except where my great, great, great, great so many greats that I can’t remember them all, Grandmother Dog was living.

My many Greats Grandmother Dog was the guard dog of a place call an Inn.  It was her duty to watch over all the travelers who came to stay with her Master in the Inn.  She also watched out for all the animals that her Master kept.

Every day my many Greats Grandmother would go with her Master to feed and milk the cow that lived in the stable.  It was this milk that her Master would feed to the people staying in his Inn.  She also helped wake-up the many chickens that were roosting in the stable, and went with the Master to feed and water the donkeys that were resting there until their people were ready to leave again.

My many greats Grandmother had a wonderful job and she loved every minute of it.  Most nights she would sleep in the inn, but when the inn was full she would sleep on an old blanket next to the door of the stable to keep guard over the many animals staying within its walls.

My many greats Grandmother Dog was just getting ready to go to the stable one evening, when a man and woman showed up at the door of the inn.  Her Master greeted the couple and explained that his place was full, that he had no room.

The man then asked if the Master knew of any place, just any place at all whereby they could rest for the night.  The Master said that he was embarrassed to say, but if they wanted they could bed down in the stable free of charge and rest.

Around the corner they all went, the donkey, the man, his wife and my many greats grandmother. Once there, and very close to the cow’s manger, the couple laid down their belonging and unloaded the donkey.  My many greats Grandmother Dog said that the man had very kind eyes and a soft loving voice.  He brushed the donkey down, gave all the other donkeys lots of pets, rubbed the cow’s ears and ASKED Grandmother dog to come sleep with them to keep them warm.

The lovely mother patted the blanket and called softly to Grandmother Dog and even offered her a small tidbit to eat.

Grandmother said it was the most peaceful time she had ever experienced in the barn.

It was just wonderful!

Gradually she fell asleep, lulled by the soft sounds of the other animals in the barn and the warmth of the man and the woman.  It wasn’t long before Grandmother Dog was awaken and asked to go guard the door of the stable. Grandmother Dog didn’t question the command; going to the door and sitting up in a guarding stance.

Like this, Fuzzy?

Yes, Boomer, just like that.

Well as Grandmother Dog sat in the opening of the stable door, an amazing light started to fill the sky. Then the light filled the whole stable!  Grandmother Dog turned from the door and saw that the light seemed to be strongest right over the cow’s manager.

Walking toward the manger ever so slowly and carefully Grandmother Dog saw a tiny sleeping baby.  The gentle Mother of the tiny baby called Grandmother Dog to come closer, to come see the tiny babe in the manger.

Grandmother Dog walked forward and stared at the tiny little bundle of human love and gave the sleeping child a HUGE WET DOG KISS right on its tiny little cheek!

When Grandmother Dog kissed this tiny human the child opened his eyes and smiled upon Grandmother Dog and she KNEW that this new human Loved Grandmother Dog clear through her soul.

Suddenly the light grew so large and bright that Grandmother Dog had to look up to see what was causing so much brightness…almost like the sun was in the stable!

WOW Fuzzy!  Was it the sun? AT NIGHT?  In a barn?

No, Boom, it was a person…a really beautiful shiny person!  The person was so beautiful that Grandmother Dog had to sit down and stare.

This really beautiful person then talked to Grandmother Dog in DOG language!

Really, Fuzzy!  A person can actually talk and understand dog language?

This person could Boomer, because this person was an Angel sent from above, to guide people to the stable.  So the people could see the new little babe and to bring him gifts!

“Oh,” Grandmother Dog said.  “I wish I could give this child a gift.  If I could I would give him my protection for the rest of my life.”

The Angel then looked into Grandmother Dog’s eyes sending love and peace and wonder, filling Grandmother Dog’s heart near to bursting.

“That” said the Angel “Is what this day is all about…the love of this child is for everyone and everything in the whole world. You, Little Dog, understand that you are willing to give – out of pure love – to those around you — which is Christmas!  Christmas is the celebration of the birth of this little babe and the gift of love!   Then the lovely Angel reached down and gave Grandmother Dog a wondrous kiss right on HER nose!

This whole experience touched Grandmother Dog so much that she told every one of her children and admonished each child to pass this story down clear until this day and forever.

Now you know the story, Boomer, maybe someday you will be able to pass this story on to another dog.  That way the gift of love from the little babe and the beautiful angel will never fade away.

Gosh, Fuzzy!  That was something!  I will…I will pass this on, someday, I promise.

Good Boomer, I’m a little tired now. Fuzzy said to me as he laid his head on his paws.

So here I am…just me.  Fuzzy is there with the shiny angels. I’m keeping my word, My Best Friend Forever, I’m passing on this wondrous story, like you asked me too and like I promised you I would.  That way the gift of love from the tiny baby and the sight of the beautiful angel will never pass away.

I thank you, my friend for this story.  Merry Christmas, Fuzzy, wherever you are.


Merry Christmas to all of you too,


23 thoughts on “The Adventures of Boomer on Friday—A Christmas Story from Fuzzy

  1. Such a beautiful story. I have tears in my eyes. The true meaning to life is love. Time does pass, but love endures. Sometimes at this time of year we stray away, get involved with our daily trivia. It is nice to be reminded about the true meaning of Christmas. Thank you Boomer.


  2. Well done, B. You passed on the story in the very best way, and I am sure Fuzzy is a proud brother. I miss that old guy like crazy, just like all of you do. But I feel him with us always. Especially today! xoxo

    Love and licks,


  3. Aww Boomer! Thanks for passing this wonderful story on. Fuzzy was so wise. We all really miss him you know. You did the best job of telling! I think you should tell us all this story every single year.!!!
    Um, did you tell those cats? Did they like it?
    I always go out and visit my critters, mostly sheeps, on Christmas Eve. I will tell them your story then. I think they have a story too.
    Thanks Boomer!


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