In Between Farming—-Sunday, April 3, 2016

I have been in need of a new fence for a long time.  The old corral fence had fallen in and was in horrible disarray.


So in-between other things, Terry and I started work on repairing and improving the old corral fence, which separates one of my gardens from the work shop and the old corrals.

Fence-1The tumbled down jumble of old boards and rotted off posts gradually became new posts and better boards.

FenceComplete with cleaning up all the junk from the junk pile—One pick load to the dump!

Other-sideI don’t know what it is about us, but we keep stuff thinking we might use it someday.  We do use it, but not to the level of the ‘keeping it’.

New-FenceThen we were done! YAY!  I was so happy and pleased with the result. It still has that rustic charm, of which our farm is made of, but is now strong and sturdy.  It should last the rest of Terry’s and my life!


26 thoughts on “In Between Farming—-Sunday, April 3, 2016

  1. Fences – a never ending chore on a farm. In cool weather, not so bad. But, stringing barbed wire in August, with heat, ticks and chiggers, and keeping an eye out for snakes: not fun!

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