This Journey—-Sunday, April 10, 2016

19Way back when…9 years ago… I was at a place in my life where I wanted to start something new, but I didn’t know just what.  At that point in my life I was working with a wonderful friend (still is a wonderful friend) who said to me–“Start a blog.”

The beginnings of my blog were rather bleak, I had so much to learn.  But blogging combined several things I enjoyed doing —photography and working on our farm.  I’m sure it was tremendously boring for others to read, but for me it was exhilarating.

Jet-Tail As time moved on blogging became a tool to improve myself in my writing, the photos and my ability to express myself so each of my readers could see and feel what I see and feel every day.

The comments left by each of you are cherished— as an exchange about knowledge, understanding and connection.  For a long-time I personally sent an email to each individual who commented. Today I answer on the blog, so everyone can see and participate and even get to know someone of interest who is a fellow commenter.

This little blog of mine has given to me friends from all over the world, people I get to meet in a daily way every day by my blog.


Although, I have never had a blog post reprinted in a magazine, or a post go super viral,or even viral :),  I have had the absolute fun of writing– I write about farming, rainbows, the land and my love of it, every aspect of the sky and— ‘stories’ about the dogs who live on our farm.


As long as I can remember I wrote stories, stories in the first grade, stories in Jr. High, stories in high school and college, stories and poetry after I started raising children.  Writing stories on the blog is a huge delight to me. 

This is  MY conversation with you.  And it’s an honest conversation…I like writing TO You. I like Sharing WITH you. I like Showing you, without an agenda, our life on a western Colorado farm.

And I delight in your conversations with me.

Now having said all that I just want to say Thank you for your friendship!  It’s a wonderful journey.


From my heart to yours!


57 thoughts on “This Journey—-Sunday, April 10, 2016

  1. I for one thoroughly enjoy reading the daily events of cropping farm life.
    You give an excellent indepth report for example of the preparing, planting, growing stats.
    of your corn from – well birth (seed) to “finito” ( the cob of corn to the silo).

    Trust your possible work “down marketing” ( not so much work programme for the 2016/17)
    season is all that you wish for.
    Colin (Brisbane. Australia)
    6.15 pm Sunday 10th April

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for your blog, Linda. I live in a small sea side town in the Western Cape and prior to retirement I was a city girl in Cape Town, so I find reading about your life fascinating and so different to mine. I always emphasise with you when your grandchildren go back to their home, because I now live 2 hours drive away from mine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Blogging is a fun way to get to know other people from all over the world, you are so right! I enjoy reading about your life in your corner of the world, and I hope others enjoy reading about mine. I hope you keep on writing…thanks for sharing your life with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Terry and I have enjoyed your life with your cows. Terry grew up on a dairy and we milked for 15 years before moving into raising spring’n heifers for daries. Milking is a very real punch a clock sorta job many don’t understand.


  4. You have been blogging for 9 years! That’s impressive. And you post every day. i am barely managing ever couple of weeks. Congrats on 9 years. The blogging community is a phenomenal community in which to belong. Have a lovely day.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. YUP!

    Great post.

    I love stories and it seems not many tell them. I can’t remember many things but happenings from way back pop up easily triggered by something in real time where something coincidental occurred.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve been with you through most of the years and have enjoyed our friendship and learned so much about farming and your wonderful life in Colorado. I do love coming here every day.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Linda, your daily blogs are a ray of Colorado sunshine, a refreshing reminder of sagebrush and flat-top mountains. Of course, I’m biased, since Delta is my hometown too. But not only do you provide a connection to home — but you also express the *soul* of Western Colorado and your life there so well. I’m sorry I missed the first few years of your blog, but I haven’t missed a day in the last 4 or 5 years. Thanks for the time and work you put into it — I know what scarce commodities those are when you’re writing from a working farm. All the best to you, Terry, Boomer and the rest of your “cast of characters.”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yea, Linda! ♡ Congrats on 9 years of sharing your world with us! I think that is amazing. Your wonferful photos, family and love of the land ~ It has brought friends together 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. daily i look forward to reading your wonderful stories and viewing your great photos – i don’t comment often but just know we are here and grateful for you – thank you for being here and sharing your life – wishing you many many more years….

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks back at you. I truly enjoy your notes from the field (pun intended). Helps keep me from getting homesick for farm life. And I value your friendship. Cheers and best wishes for more great years.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I enjoy your blog so much. You have taught me so much about farming, enough that I know that I’m not cut out for it. I enjoy Boomer’s adventures and I mourned with you when Fuzzy crossed the bridge.


    • When we get up in the morning, after a long winter of not doing much, I must admit, Terry and I wonder just WHAT are WE thinking. Then the work begins and we remember.


  12. You had me worried there for a minute that you were saying “Goodbye” to all of us.” Love the Vette. I’ve kept my late husband’s ’65 Vette. Every two weeks, except in winter, I take it out for a spin. I’m sure people are surprised when they pull up next to me and see a grandma who can barely see over the wheel.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thank you for your lovely blog Linda. I cherish every time I come here and read your latest story, or poem, or look upon your always beautiful pictures. You have real talent as a writer and it’s a delight to come and enjoy what you have written and the pictures you have shown. Blessings on your continued enjoyment of your blog. It’s so great to see all the things happening in and around your farm…. even in the winter! Keep up the great blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. when I read your blog, it feels honest, homey and comfortable. You express yourself so well. I envy that. I started blogging as a challenge to myself to learn something new and to hopefully help the world learn that farmers, large and small, are humans who care about the world around them, but blogging has opened up a world I never expected- full of kind, talented , intriguing people. You are definitely one of them. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Nine years! Good job, Linda. It’s easier when you love what you’re doing. I’m glad you are one of the voices that share your world, a life different from my own, expanding our horizons.

    Liked by 1 person

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