My Favorite Part of Homecoming — Tuesday, September 14, 2021

I was sitting in the car, parked behind the scoreboard when a small group of Middle School boys passed me by:

One of the young men separated himself from the others and stood in front of our car; crossing his arms in front of his chest he said to me: “A Corvette! I LOVE CORVETTES!” 

Then they were off.

A few minutes later the group returned and I thought: Why not make their day and mine.  So I got out of the car, asked one of the young men if he was the one who made the comment that he LOVES corvettes.  He replied no. And I explained to him I was going to ask that young person if he would like to have a sit in the car.

“WOW!  I’ll go get him!” He was off.  Running a high speed to the grandstands, in seconds (YES SECONDS) he was back with his Corvette-loving friend.

I asked my question again, receiving an emphatic nod of the head and a dash to the rider’s side of the car.

“No, Wait!” I said. “Get in on the driver’s side.”

The young man stopped for just a second and wildly ran around the back of the car to get in the door I had open.

His smile said it all.

Then more friends showed up

The atmosphere of excitement was HUGE!

Their joy filled my, heart!

More friends showed up; the Jeepster owners gave permission for a young man and his friend to sit in their classic car.

The young man explained while he asked for permission, that his grandpa had found a Jeepster not long ago and was starting to restore it.  If he could just sit in this one he would know what it was going to be like to ride with his grandpa. Gary and Connie graciously understood.

Now the small crowd of “Car Guys” had GROWN.

And another young man (in the Driver’s Seat) asked if he could sit behind the wheel, just once in his life.

Putting on his glasses he (along with everyone else) flashed a HUGE smile at me!

Then a parent came over and got a photo.

Delightful smiles from everyone all around!

Car Guys!

These young men just made my day, my week, my month!

From my world to your heart,


Sherlock Boomer—-What Mom Doesn’t Know, Chapter Five, Friday, July 10, 2020

Chapter Five





I’m done with all this waiting.

With that, Mindy stomped off the cement step, down the cement sidewalk, across the red bricks, back onto the cement sidewalk.



I think I need to take a little break here and …………….ummmmmmmmmmm enjoy myself for a spell.


“Henny lets go see what sitting on the cement step is all about.”

“Sounds good, wait just a minute, Penny, let me catch up with you. We will stand and peck at the door together.”

Peck, peck, peck

Peck, peck, peck

“This is dumb, Penny. I have better things to do.”

“HAHAHAHAHA” I bayed at those silly hens.

“There is no one home.”  Chuckling to myself I took off to do a little checking around.

I looked over here and sniffed out the news.  Nothing.

Then I went down the road a spell,

Humm, Raccoons.  In the night. Late.

Then I walked back to the lawn…nothing passed through here late last night, or early this morning, or after lunch.

“Hey, Mindy! Do you want to do something like anything…

I mean SOMETHING?  This is BORING without Mom and Dad.”







Hello Sun in My Face—-Sunday, August 12, 2018

 “Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields…Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.” ― Mary Oliver

Even though there is lots of work still to be done

And we are in the middle of third cutting of hay

With hay customers coming on a regular basis

We took a day off and went on a fun

Road trip

Breaks…so necessary

And a whole lot of fun!

From my world to your heart,



The Fourth Dimension is Time—-Sunday, July 15, 2018


A Geometrical and Scientific concept— where Time is a part of the whole.

I’m running behind right now.  Not just in Time, but in each and every facet of the moments which make up my life.

I know I’m complaining at this moment, although I don’t wish to be protesting, ranting, screaming.  Still, I understand this will read like a huge big cry-baby whine.

Shannon’s horse Glory Bree

I’ve reached a place whereby I just want to sit drifting…my thoughts in wisps


Jason’s horse TeAta

Nothing to do, nothing to think about, nothing to worry over, nothing to finish so I can ‘get to’ that other thing—Just void, blank, empty

I just want to drift on fragrant little breezes with nothing much to do

So, methinks, I might finish up some stuff, sit some other things aside, and close my mind and actions until company comes at four.  The house, the yard, my world will be whatever it is at that moment they arrive.  And I will be alright with it.

I want to enter that fractured space whereby neither time or worries, action and pressure cannot exist.

Schlegel_wireframe_8-cell  Shamelessly stolen from the internet

Once I make it through the complications of DOING NOTHING and come out on the other side…Time will once more be my friend.

From my world to your heart,


If Life Gives you Lemons—-Thursday, June 14, 2018

“If Life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice.”–Conan O’Brien

We finished the first set of water just as the morning sun broke forth torching the sky’s edge with brilliant color.

Terry’s foot is doing ever so much better.  Although, by nighttime, he says it still pains him; sleeping can be rough.

Still, each day is an improvement.

So being a tad tired of work, he decided we needed to take a ride.

Loading up we headed to Grand Mesa…the largest flat top mountain in the world.…the old-timers used to say.

When I was a tween my family spent all summer up here.  I used to think that the old gods lived here.  The Gods of the Indians, for this, was the Utes hunting ground. I would tell myself the Gods of the Indians were here; having been driven back into these high valleys, green places, and lush forests onto of the world. I would walk along paths deep within the forest and sing to those old Gods.

We roared along the highways, gazing out onto blue lands, trees full and lush, the cool air suffused with an azure light which glinted off the lakes.

We dove over the top, into Grand Junction then home again.  The little rest refreshed our eyes, our minds, and our bodies.

The work still there, waiting, only now…it lifted us up once more, lending satisfaction to our day.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



Flying Serene —-Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Terry came in from making waste ditches…(see the mud) announced that it’s so muddy he was having trouble.

Totally frustrated he called John Deer to order parts for his cultivator (which had broken down just before he finished this years cultivation)

Yes, they had them on stock.

“Okay! I be right there.”  he hung up the phone, asked me if I wanted to run to Montrose…

Well, not at this time….Linky and I were waiting for her BFF to show-up so they could head out to  for the week.

“Alright, I think I need a vacation…everything is going wrong right now.”

“How about a little ride in the go-fast car?”  I asked, with a smile on my face.

“Yes, Grandpa!  That’s a vacation!”  and young girl’s voice chimed in.

“Sounds good to me!” he replied.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


This Journey—-Sunday, April 10, 2016

19Way back when…9 years ago… I was at a place in my life where I wanted to start something new, but I didn’t know just what.  At that point in my life I was working with a wonderful friend (still is a wonderful friend) who said to me–“Start a blog.”

The beginnings of my blog were rather bleak, I had so much to learn.  But blogging combined several things I enjoyed doing —photography and working on our farm.  I’m sure it was tremendously boring for others to read, but for me it was exhilarating.

Jet-Tail As time moved on blogging became a tool to improve myself in my writing, the photos and my ability to express myself so each of my readers could see and feel what I see and feel every day.

The comments left by each of you are cherished— as an exchange about knowledge, understanding and connection.  For a long-time I personally sent an email to each individual who commented. Today I answer on the blog, so everyone can see and participate and even get to know someone of interest who is a fellow commenter.

This little blog of mine has given to me friends from all over the world, people I get to meet in a daily way every day by my blog.


Although, I have never had a blog post reprinted in a magazine, or a post go super viral,or even viral :),  I have had the absolute fun of writing– I write about farming, rainbows, the land and my love of it, every aspect of the sky and— ‘stories’ about the dogs who live on our farm.


As long as I can remember I wrote stories, stories in the first grade, stories in Jr. High, stories in high school and college, stories and poetry after I started raising children.  Writing stories on the blog is a huge delight to me. 

This is  MY conversation with you.  And it’s an honest conversation…I like writing TO You. I like Sharing WITH you. I like Showing you, without an agenda, our life on a western Colorado farm.

And I delight in your conversations with me.

Now having said all that I just want to say Thank you for your friendship!  It’s a wonderful journey.


From my heart to yours!



One really nice thing about summer is this is when people travel.  The days are longer, and warmer, and the  roads (or air travel) nicer.

Terry’s brother came for just one day.

Of COURSE the corvette had to go for a drive! 🙂 🙂

Then my brother came with his wife, her brother and her brother’s darling little boy.

We went to Grand Mesa for the day

Where the kids found the perfect natural


That had us all laughing and having fun!

Jolene arrived from Canada and is still here for a few more days.  (I just adore her sunny smiling approach to life!)

This Sunday was the last day before school started in our area so Grandpa and I thought we would take everyone out for ice cream in Cedaredge, where we acted like tourists-

Summer, for those who go back to school, is over in our area.  Of course summer by the calendar is still going on.

Summer for the crops is winding down.

I, for one, am enjoying the cooler mornings and the not so extremely hot days.


A Mini-Heat Wave

The last two days we are having a mini-heatwave.  Which I am very much enjoying.  It won’t last. Saturday a windy snow storm is suppose to blow into our area.  Then the temps are suppose to plunge back down, but I’ll take whatever we can get!

Because of the slightly warmer temperatures (sure beat the minus stuff we were having) and the longer daylight hours the dogs and I like to go for evening walks.

Its sort of a struggle for Fuzzy, but he won’t hear of us leaving him behind, so we just walk slower. 🙂

Boomer is a goof….he runs everywhere, up there, back there, over there, he doesn’t care, just so he can run.

Since a pack of feral dogs attacked and killed all my hens, I don’t mind these little hawks (falcon?) hanging around.  This one sits on this branch every evening when I’m out walking.  Searching for that daring mouse, I suppose.

Since it’s late (after five in the evening) the geese are starting to land in the corn field.  I had to try my hand at photographing them…I’m not very good. 

The air is thick with their honks.  It’s really cool.  They are one thing I miss when spring comes. 

The only other real news is the sheep across the road from us have arrived

I always enjoy seeing them hit the fields.  They never stay in one place always traveling here and there and everywhere.

This girl was just pointed in the right direction by the sheep dog.  I didn’t get his photo as he was just tooooo busy to pause for me to click the camera.

There are a lot sheep here, when you consider they are covering 160 acres!

Here is the last of the car photos I’m going to share.  I guess you have an idea of the type of car Terry likes. 🙂 🙂

Well, I’m off to enjoy the last of the afternoon sun and mini-warmth!  No wind, no clouds, now snow.  YAY!
