This Journey—-Sunday, April 10, 2016

19Way back when…9 years ago… I was at a place in my life where I wanted to start something new, but I didn’t know just what.  At that point in my life I was working with a wonderful friend (still is a wonderful friend) who said to me–“Start a blog.”

The beginnings of my blog were rather bleak, I had so much to learn.  But blogging combined several things I enjoyed doing —photography and working on our farm.  I’m sure it was tremendously boring for others to read, but for me it was exhilarating.

Jet-Tail As time moved on blogging became a tool to improve myself in my writing, the photos and my ability to express myself so each of my readers could see and feel what I see and feel every day.

The comments left by each of you are cherished— as an exchange about knowledge, understanding and connection.  For a long-time I personally sent an email to each individual who commented. Today I answer on the blog, so everyone can see and participate and even get to know someone of interest who is a fellow commenter.

This little blog of mine has given to me friends from all over the world, people I get to meet in a daily way every day by my blog.


Although, I have never had a blog post reprinted in a magazine, or a post go super viral,or even viral :),  I have had the absolute fun of writing– I write about farming, rainbows, the land and my love of it, every aspect of the sky and— ‘stories’ about the dogs who live on our farm.


As long as I can remember I wrote stories, stories in the first grade, stories in Jr. High, stories in high school and college, stories and poetry after I started raising children.  Writing stories on the blog is a huge delight to me. 

This is  MY conversation with you.  And it’s an honest conversation…I like writing TO You. I like Sharing WITH you. I like Showing you, without an agenda, our life on a western Colorado farm.

And I delight in your conversations with me.

Now having said all that I just want to say Thank you for your friendship!  It’s a wonderful journey.


From my heart to yours!
