The World Pauses—Thursday, May 19, 2106

Good-Morning!Gradually, day-by-day our world is changing.

Morning Moving ever closer to summer, although still chilled with rain showers and drizzle.

The wind sings loudly causing the wind chime to clash and bang, or the wind moves as only a breath lifting the leaves on the trees in soft little flutters of green.

Fire-2The day swings into to full force rushing toward it’s own end; the birds actively twittering and wakeful from first light until gloaming.

ZoomEach day is filled with activity—so much to do and to get done before the shadows of the night fill the air.  The shadows are cold this time of year, but in summer warm and soft.

Fire-5There is that special time…that moment just before light, or in the gloaming, just before dark;  the silence speaks to me.  And if I’m very still and just listen the world pauses and takes a breath.

With Love, from my world to your heart






8 thoughts on “The World Pauses—Thursday, May 19, 2106

  1. This is beautiful Linda! (Memories of late Spring into Summer for me, because, you know — different here in Florida)…. I love the word ‘gloaming’ — I know it, but hadn’t heard or thought of it in a long time. I am glad you reminded me of it and of this perfect time of year!

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