Moving On —- Monday, April 29, 2019

After reading all your comments; making my blog site more secure

Working with the kind and gracious lady who is the owner of her blog and a most wonderful generous author (I have read all her books and LOVE them)

She assured me all was well between us

The horrible comment was removed from her blog (or will be soon); all is well now.

So thank you each and every one of you!  From the bottom of my heart!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


In a Deadened Shell of Ice and Cold—Sunday, February 10, 2019

We are gradually melting, getting warmer, then suddenly the low grey clouds will arrive once more complete with a nasty chill wind

And winter returns…often times abruptly.

Even so, I can still entertain myself very well at the bird feeders

But yesterday….the signal that the New Year had arrived (I count my year as Spring, Summer, Autumn…with Winter as last…just so you understand 🙂  )

The Red-Winged Blackbirds arrived!

Adding their joyous voices to the melodies of the Sandhill Cranes and the tunes of the Canada Geese!

No matter what…cold/sleet/snow/wind/ once the Red-Winged BlackBirds come they bring with them the song of Spring!

From my world to your heart,


Morning, Cool Shadows, then Fading Light—-Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Gradually my yard is changing into different colors,

White, Yellow, red, pink, orange


I’ve been weeding the pinto bean field,  It’s a yearly chore that occurs daily until the pinto beans shoot feelers.


We go early, early until it’s time to change water, then come back into the ate, late in the day when it cools down…the corn and the cockleburs and the pigweed must be removed

Each one of those plants makes a seed the same size as the pinto bean.  If you have lots of trash seeds going in with the pinto beans the Beanery will dock you (make you pay a large fee) to clean out the seeds.

Therefore we always work diligently to get as many seeds/plants out of the field before the vines set.

Terry is doing better.  Better is a good thing.

Your friend on a Colorado farm,


With the Scent of a Summer Night, Comes the Dawn—-Thursday, July 14, 2016

Day-endingI am working feverishly to get everything caught up.   For you see, we have company coming.  Terry’s Sister and brother-in-law will be here on Sunday, then Monday we get to have our youngest Granddaughter for THE WEEK!  And I don’t want to be cleaning, weeding, or working hard during that time.

Grain-BinsOur days are hot and over-powering in the overwhelming heat, causing sweat to run down my face as I weed, rake, fertilize, prune, trim and mow. My body slowing turning into the wind, earth and water as I melt.

Bees and wasps buzz heavily, with  gnats and mosquitoes in clouds; creating easy fodder for the swallows nesting all along the edges of our house.


Our yard is dizzy with the scents of grass, sweet white lilies, and water sprinkling on the lawn.


My weeding of the pinto bean fields are done!  I finished the two acre field last night.  From this point on we turn our heads and choose not to see the weeds, which will flourish there anyway, coming from the wind and water.


The sun breaks forth over the line of trees quickly rising to heat the day; riding on the scents of last night.


As I worked I noticed a narrow crack of stunning light showing my everything— is worth it.

From my world to your heart,


The World Pauses—Thursday, May 19, 2106

Good-Morning!Gradually, day-by-day our world is changing.

Morning Moving ever closer to summer, although still chilled with rain showers and drizzle.

The wind sings loudly causing the wind chime to clash and bang, or the wind moves as only a breath lifting the leaves on the trees in soft little flutters of green.

Fire-2The day swings into to full force rushing toward it’s own end; the birds actively twittering and wakeful from first light until gloaming.

ZoomEach day is filled with activity—so much to do and to get done before the shadows of the night fill the air.  The shadows are cold this time of year, but in summer warm and soft.

Fire-5There is that special time…that moment just before light, or in the gloaming, just before dark;  the silence speaks to me.  And if I’m very still and just listen the world pauses and takes a breath.

With Love, from my world to your heart






From Night into Dawn—Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Our-LaneIt was a beautiful night last night.  Boomer and walked around 1:00 in the morning.  Our long lane was frozen solid, which was a good thing.  Otherwise parts of it is so heavy with mud I don’t feel like walking down it to get the mail in the daytime.

The sky was thick with stars!  They seem to be hung low and hugely bright. The moon is a very, very faint silver thread, which winds it’s way in the heavens sinking long before morning.

There is no storm brewing so the cows are all bedded down way across the way.  If there was a storm in the making the cows would be out grazing.


I love the land!  I also understand the enchantment of solitude.    And I know there is healing in quiet places.


Morning arrived today on a stiff little breeze.   Although, the breeze stopped around nine o’clock.

Morning1Beauty is truly there, surrounding us…if we just stop to see.

Your friend on a Western Colorado Farm,
