Those Ancient Conversations with Prophets about God—-Monday, April 16, 2018

For Terry and I — those types of conversations occur constantly…every day and in every way, as we walk solidly up on the land

We see it at the Upper End when the lush grass starts to green up like emeralds, and the air is suffused with the freshness of Spring

We see the Uncompaghre Plateau brighten in the air as lovely as crystals shimmering in the sun

We feel the touch of God’s hand brushing our checks softly in the growing dusk

The wind sometimes lifts us to heights of wonder, complete with fear and trembling (on our part)

Then, when the cloud streaked sky is shredded with the last of the golden sun’s glow, we know, beyond the Shadow of a Doubt we are more than blessed.

From our world to your heart,




22 thoughts on “Those Ancient Conversations with Prophets about God—-Monday, April 16, 2018

  1. Thank you Linda, for your beautiful words. We are also truly blessed. So much to be thankful for. May God continue to bless you!


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