Taking a Time for Myself—-Sunday, August 5, 2018

I’ve been taking a few minutes around four in the afternoon to do something rather enjoyable

It’s nothing spectacular, or show-stopping

I’ve challenged myself to ‘not get obsessed’, to work in stages and enjoy the process and the colors more than getting one done and moving on to another so I can make something of the creations.

I am working on creating crepe-paper flowers.

This a real flower.  My crepe-paper flowers have a long way to go before they really do start looking like real flowers.

That’s okay.  I’m enjoying myself, it’s a tiny break in the day, and there really is nothing I can do with them anyway but look at them.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



30 thoughts on “Taking a Time for Myself—-Sunday, August 5, 2018

  1. I remember crepe paper flowers!!! Yours are just lovely. Wouldn’t they look beautiful on a gift package, though? Are you using instructions or just making them up out of your imagination. How creative you are.


    • Oh! What a neat idea! I’m trying to follow a pattern, but my flowers and the patterns are so very different!! Sometimes I laugh at how mine turn out, but, oh well, practice makes perfect!


  2. Used to make them many a moon ago ~ love them! Put them in a vase by your rocks, it will be cheery. Make a wreath for fall, which is coming way too fast. I’ll think of you at 4 doing fun things 🙂


  3. Good for you for taking time to create a little beauty. A few water color pens could give the dimension you are looking for. I have some here I could loan you. 🙂 It’s so much fun to do little projects like that. Mindfulness. I’d bet in a weeks time you won’t be able to tell your’s from natures.


  4. Oh I think your flowers are beautiful Linda! I wouldn’t have the patience to do that. You are doing a lovely job. When I saw your picture of the REAL flower, I thought it was one that you had made! Enjoy your hobby!


  5. Hi Linda, Those are really well done flowers. You could sell those to designers, art instructors or photographers me thinks. Steve Mcgowan here from San Francisco Bay area. I’d like to move back to Colo(graduated from Metro State College in 1981) to farm indistrial hemp. I grow Heirloom tomatoes here and make Heirloom Ketchup. Perhaps you may know of someone who is growing it locally that I could talk to about it. Have read the Colo regulations but there’s nothing like a first hand opinion (other than “don’t come back!”) My older brother from Atlanta seems interested in investing in a hemp project, so it may as well be mine. I’d like to grow and process CBD oil. I found 19 acres near Olathe on River Rd North and adjacent to Haven House at 4808. It’s irrigated, has water rights & is fairly level. If you have any info or contacts you could share, I would appreciate it. Thanks for writing the blog, I miss those beautiful skies. My regards to you, Terry and Boomer, Steve Steve Mcgowan 415-261-1077 heirloomketchup@aol.com Po Box 1613, Mill Valley, CA 94942

    Sent from AOL Mobile Mail


    • OH! Good luck Steve! I know lots of people are getting into hemp here. Esp. in the North Fork area. Some of the big farmers are too. I’m not sure of the rules and regs because we are farming the traditional crops. Send me an email at coloradofarmlife@gmail.com and I’ll try to put you in contact with someone.


  6. That first pink one made me look again! So you must be doing OK. And I think your narcissi are lovely. Such a lovely hobby, such pretty results, and such a good idea to give yourself a little while of quiet creativity each day. Enjoy 🙂


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