Where We are on the Farm Now—-Monday, October 29, 2018

We still have not started the corn harvest.  Although, Terry is checking the dryness of the corn weekly now.  The last moisture count was 15.3%.  It must be 15 or below to begin.

So we wait.

The days are sharply cooling down…the ground is more leaf-littered each and every day

Last Friday we had the bliss and excitement of a thick marvelous fog

Of which, I had to go walking in.

After all, it’s rare (in our part of the world) to be able to actually walk in a cloud sitting down on the eath. 🙂

It was breathtaking.

The steady flow of water in the canal is turned off today.  It will take a week before it is gone at our farm—for you see the water travels all the way from the Blue Mesa Reservoir, Gunnison, Colorado,  to the Gunnison River at Delta, Colorado…irrigating farms all along the way.

There is a definite snap in the air, causing us to enjoy the evenings with the heat of the wood stove.

Autumn is moving rapidly toward winter now.


O! The excitement —-while out on the farm a flock of bluebirds flew by Boomer and me on their way through (they don’t seem to nest here on our farm) to who knows where–

I capture two of them on camera!  I was elated! Jubliant and Overjoyed to get their photos, even if it was just the back of them as they flew by.

From your friend on a western Colorado farm,



17 thoughts on “Where We are on the Farm Now—-Monday, October 29, 2018

  1. Pingback: Where We are on the Farm Now–-Monday, October 29, 2018 — Life on a Colorado Farm https://coloradofarmlife.com/2018/10/29/where-we-are-on-the-farm-now-monday-october-29-2018/ – „Ingerii sunt spirite inaripate, prietene cu spiritul tau inaripat.â

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