Through a Day of Wintery Mix —- Thursday, February 14, VALENTINE’S DAY, 2019

First thing early Terry got out the tractor and blade and headed out to smooth up the lane and the farm roads.

The cows had made lots of nice little holes in the mud making going down the farm roads a little on the hard side.

And the long lane to highway had holes worn in it from the tires.

Then in the afternoon, the grey tumultuous clouds came rushing in, covering the Adobe Hills at the base of Grand Mesa

There is a beauty in the snow/rain/mix of those clouds only a photographic vision can express.

The girls had to come over to see what Terry was doing

So I took out treats to these bright rays of horse sunshine.

Glory B (her papers say her name is Blaze of Glory) and T’Ata two of the sweetest, fun to be around furry equines anyone could ask for.

You folks have a great day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


26 thoughts on “Through a Day of Wintery Mix —- Thursday, February 14, VALENTINE’S DAY, 2019

  1. There is so much those of us who have to live in cities miss and those sweet horses are a big part of that. Just seeing them, and if you are lucky enough to touch one boosts the immune system. Men do like to ride their big tractors, even their little tractors. πŸ˜‰ Have a lovely day today.


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