A Truly Exciting Thing Happened —- Tuesday, April 23, 2024

We have a flock of wild turkeys that migrated to our farm!

Terry and I were going out to change the water and THERE THEY WERE!!

A whole flock of them—18 hens!  We haven’t seen the Tom yet!

WOW!  This is the very first ever for our farm!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


24 thoughts on “A Truly Exciting Thing Happened —- Tuesday, April 23, 2024

  1. How cool! Eighteen, wow! 🦃 We have those few around here. They are really interesting to watch. Most likely they are Merriam’s like here. New research for you guys!


  2. Good thing they moved on. They can be a real problem if they get into your garden, can really tear things up looking for bugs and such. And, they leave lots of little easter eggs for your shoes to find and track into the house. We never had turkeys around here when I was a kid, but they were re-introduced years ago and now they are every where. Truly an adaptive bird. (or mini dinosaur)


  3. I LOVE turkeys! We see them occasionally around here and once I saw a couple out back, but they didn’t stay. Not enough woods and cover :-/.


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