A Truly Exciting Thing Happened —- Tuesday, April 23, 2024

We have a flock of wild turkeys that migrated to our farm!

Terry and I were going out to change the water and THERE THEY WERE!!

A whole flock of them—18 hens!  We haven’t seen the Tom yet!

WOW!  This is the very first ever for our farm!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


As Men Believe—, Sunday, April 23, 2023

Although, it is cold and stormy. With ice on the running rows of water

There are such beautiful signs of early Spring (a wooly bear caterpillar)

Work continues, in wind, the mists of rain and sleet,

It’s a beautiful world of ours.  We really can’t ask for more.

“As men believe so is their world.” from the Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradly  

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



The Adventures of Mindy on Friday—-On a Walk with Mom, Friday, April 23, 2021

Mom and I

decided it was time

to go for a walk-about.

Off we went together

Mom looking at this and


And taking photos

of ME!

We go on

walkabouts at

LEAST once a day



Here we go



And I.

Mindy Lou-Sue

Spreading Green Green Grass (Seed) Here and There —- Thursday, April 23, 2020

(Yes I stop work to snap photos—Terry is used to it 🙂  )

We are planting grass now…yes it is a ‘we’ 🙂

This is where the little seeds come out of the planter…rather neat I think

In the early morning, as the sunlight spilled over the edge of the world, we planted the newly created pasture (from last year)

Then, back down to freshen up the wore out alfalfa field ( adding in grass seed so the cutting becomes a mix of grass and alfalfa) we worked on into the dazzling (calm) sparkly morning the sky full of a few puffy white clouds in the north and east.

Here is a fly for you.  These are hard to capture on camera, the click is often way too slow.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


This One is About the Birds—-Tuesday, April 23, 2019

On my walk, last evening three cranes settled down.  They seem to have decided to stay here instead of migrating.

Works for me!

The crows are working the farm over for something to eat

They are hard to photograph as they scatter quicklyy

Yesterday was lovely and warm so I put out two hummingbird feeders

Within twenty minutes I had a little Blackchin male followed quickly by his mate. (The photo is terrible; they were very shy and I couldn’t get a good shot)

As the evening started to fall down upon the earth the little birds took to their nighttime perch.  For some reason, they have roosted here all fall, winter and they are still roosting in the large rose bush.

As the night grows darker they flutter way deep inside.


This morning on the way to the headgate

a pheasant took off in front of us

And joyfully, joyfully…the last of the birds has arrived!  The Barn Swallows!

We are on our way to much warmer weather!


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


A Fine Spring Day—-Tuesday, April 23, 2018

We started water on the pinto bean field.  I always enjoy the opening up of a new field.  Although, the work of bringing out the siphon tubes, setting them up, and then getting them started can be a wee bit taxing.

It’s always worth every little bit of extra effort in the long-run.

These marvelous spring days, make my heart and soul and my mind leap for joy.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do

with your one wild and precious life?”

― Mary Oliver

My plan?

My plan is to enjoy every second of every minute which is left to me out here on the wild and beautiful world we call earth.

How about you?

From my world to your heart,




So In Keeping with the Theme of CLEANING UP STUFF—-Monday, April 23, 2018

While Terry was off doing something important on the farm, somewhere….I decided it was time to clean up the TRASH pile.  This is the spot where we throw stuff to be sorted later…something that Might have a value i.e., meaning be used again some how.

It had grown to magnificent proportions…flowing not only into my flower beds, but way out into the road and towering enough I was afraid it might topple.

I cleaned and sorted, placed copper in tubs, put steel together, tin together, wire together, rust together…then had Terry look everything over.

After he was satisfied with the fact there was nothing there but junk.  We loaded up the pick-up, strapped everything down and headed to the dump.  In our case The Adobe Landfill—-calling it a dump is so —gauche (lacking grace 🙂 ).

Sometimes I’m stunned at the amount of trash, we as a people can collect.  And here in our dump/landfill no scavenging is allowed.  So the trash all stays right here.  Covered up in the hopes it will eventually over-time rot.

A mountain(s) of trash.

Although, I AM grateful for these landfills–when I was a child, and even when my children were young—-even though there was a city/county dump—some people would go out and ‘dump’ their trash just any old place…out of site out of mind.  Today actions like that are illegal, which is a good thing.

We still have some more things to haul to the metal recycle business in Montrose, but for a spell I need to focus on my yard.

And getting the pinto bean ground wet.  Next week we will start planting corn!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





An Osprey and Chick—-Sunday, April 23, 2017

We were sitting on a soccer field Saturday, when Terry noticed one of the lights had a giant nest on top.

As the game played out we kept an eye on the nest seeing the little head of the  chick inside.

Suddenly an Osprey parent was there, the chirps from the chick were so loud we could hear them over the shouting on the field.

Then (after the food had been passed to the little one) the parent took flight —off to find more food.

It was a glorious site to behold.




Yard Work–and a Request–Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bleeding-Heart-2I have finally finished my serial about Sherlock Boomer.  I am very interested in what you think about the story.  Please feel free to leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts.  If you haven’t read the complete story or would like to please go to Sherlock Boomer on my header or click this blue line.  Because I wrote this as a serial, with a new chapter every Wednesday you will have to scroll clear down to the bottom, then click on older posts to get to the beginning-Chapter One.


I had thought that a weekly chapter would be fun to read and to write.  I am of the mind now  it probably got long and tedious and boring.  Anyway, I am very interested in your thoughts and encourage you to leave a comment.  This way others can read what your wrote and I have a place where all the comments are collected.


Finally, I have been able to work on my own yard–to do so I have to let my house go—soon, soon the renters will be in the other house. Right now I’m painting the bubble gum pink bedroom.  Once I’m finished they will come!


It’s been delightful to see all the dainty spring flowers popping up from all the moisture we had.

14Just look at the beauty of the sky last night!  Stunning isn’t it.  The storm clouds built around the Plateau, never coming our way.  We went out at 6 p.m., to set water, then got in after the sun set.  I love seeing the setting or rising sun when we are out there on the land.  I just love it.

Anyway off now to get some work done.  Please don’t forget to give me your comments about the Sherlock Boomer–Mystery of the Missing Rabbits serial.

Your friend,
