AND AWAY WE GOOOOOOOO—-Thursday, November 10, 2016

Image result for And away we go

As Jackie Gleason used to say!

on-a-ride-1Mom and Dad and I are B.U.S.Y!  Now that the farm harvests are all done, the water is turned off, the canal is dry, and everything is frozen— Dad announced it was time to go work on the other house  at my oldest sisters.

Shannon wanted a cupboard and a new fan over her cooking stove, so Mom and Dad loaded up all the materials, the tools AND ME!  

Off we went — they get to work and I get to play with Etta, Shiloh, Black Dog, Houston and Rocky.  They worked and I played!  Pretty nice trade off!


Then it was into town to get some ‘stuff’.  I get to go into Tractor Supply, pretty coo!  Me and a HUGE store.  I’m always on my leash and I’m a very well-behaved dog, so I get to go in.

Then back home Mom and Dad and I continue work on the building Dad and Mom tore down…they are at the stage where they are cleaning up everything and getting the forms fixed for the cement to come.

Dad says maybe next week we can pour the cement.  Here again they work and I gather all the news I can.  Min-Min cat hangs out with us looking for mice.  When she catches one she always brings it over for Mom to give her a big pet and tell her what a ‘good job’ she does.


Sam-Sam just picks out a spot in the sun close by and naps.  But  it is a nap with one eye on everything we are doing.  Sammy is ancient around 17 years old, Mom says.


We all work until dusk…which is early now…the sun sets before 5 in our neck of the world.

Back inside it’s SUPPER TIME!!! For all of us!

“This was a good day”, Dad announced “We got a lot done.”

boomers-cute-noseI’m always up for work adventures!

Aren’t you?
