For Lack of Attention—-Sunday, April 30, 2017

“For lack of attention a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day.”–Evelyn Underhill

We took a wee trip…a get up at two in the morning, come back way after dark, sorta wee trip.

You see there was this auction, where several items of interest were being sold…

And, of course, most of the things ‘dreamed about’ went way, way over our budget.  But the next to last row, at the very end of the day (5:30) the (almost) last item in that row, was purchased for a decent price.  Once loaded up we headed back home.

Driving in the magic of storms, the fading light, the enchantment of a good buy surrounding us all the way.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Farm Sale Purchase—-Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The season for farm sales has started.  Sometimes this is not a good thing…farmer’s losing their farm, because of foreclosure, but other times it’s due to a farmer and his wife selling out and moving.

Yesterday’s farm sale was just that…the farmer and his wife were selling out to move to California — where all their kids live now.  No one in the family wanted to move back and take over the farm, so the parents were going to move out to the Land of Milk and Honey and live with them.


The day was a good day for a sale….bright and sunny with intermittent clouds.

It was also a good day to haul the trash to county dump.

(These are old photos I forgot to take my camera with me)


Once in awhile there was a sharp, piercing little wind. Not bad, but enough to chill you if you didn’t wear proper clothes.  (I had on socks and close-toed shoes 🙂 )


Late in the afternoon Terry came home with his new treasure

set-upIt didn’t take us long to get the diesel fuel tank out of the truck and sat up…to wait patiently for the new season of farming.

(It looks like we are farming one more year. 🙂 🙂 )

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
