After Much Backing and Forthing — Wednesday, November 30, 2022




The corn harvest is over!


Next is to get all the fences in shape, the gates shut, and the electric fencer turned on—for soon the cows will come!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


As the Land Passes Toward Slumber — Tuesday, November 30, 2021

We give Thanks for the gifts that God(s) give to us

During this growing twilight time of year

For every season there is something to provide joy for each of us

Blessings of abundance

As the Autumn fades and we begin

our long ride into the dark of Winter.

From my world to your heart,



In Frost-Bright, Star-Filled Moonlit, Early Morning — Monday, November 30, 2020


The coyotes have been rather horrible of late

Traveling all over the whole farm in very large packs.

Not just the pack, who has decided this is their spot, but packs from on other farms, but close by.

Hanging out wherever they please. Traveling in daylight and dark.  They know no fear.

Even coming into the yard now.  I yelled at one just outside the back door two nights ago as it made rounds in the cows sleeping by the house.  Nasty creature!

They are also scary creatures.

Very Scary.

Our son-in-law, Cliff, said, “Okay, I can help out.”

Then Linkin, our oldest granddaughter, asked if she could also go with Cliff.

Plans were made to head into a dry, cold, frozen morning

Out to the Upper End, the Back Forty, and

To the point of Coyote Hill

Home again later in the morning

One down. Many more to go.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


P.S.  Yes, I know there will be those who will leave nasty comments on the hunting of the coyotes.  And NO! Coyotes do not live on ‘nuts, seeds, and berries’.  Coyotes are carnivores…coyotes eat baby calves. Coyotes eat pheasants, chickens, Quail, rabbits, ‘wild kitties’, deer, and your lovely house cat/pet, they will eat dogs and puppies…coyotes are NOT friendly helpful creatures.

So, as a warning to you, if you leave me a scathing comment, your comment will be put in spam.  Therefore, not allowing you to leave me comments.

And, yes, I am a friend…who lives on a farm, who believes in taking care of the farm and all the creatures who need the farm to live.



Corn Bales—-Thursday, November 30, 2017

Our neighbor is shredding up the corn stalks—dust is flying and food is being prepared for cows

It’s a win-win on many levels.  The land owner doesn’t want cows on the land…he says they damage too much stuff

The farmer, who rents the land, would like to clear up the stalks in some form…either with grazing off the old corn or burning.

The ranchers, who like to have their cows fatten up on last years leaven’s, now gets a chance to have the corn — only in huge bales.

It’s a nice solution for all…the farmer gets the crop cleared off, the land owner doesn’t have to have cows on his land, and the rancher gets the corn stalks without having to trail his cows to the farm ground.

AND the field isn’t burned!  YAY!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


That Shift from Storming to Not—-Wednesday, November 30, 2016

the-shift-001Around four o’clock on Monday afternoon the storm finally decided to leave

The sky started stretching and reaching further and further until the golden light burst forth.


The moving clouds were shifting fast and clouds turning to mist over the plateau.

The air was so crisp and fresh I could almost dance in it.  Loading up the firewood for the evening I took in great breaths of fresh air that was colored in beautiful sunshine.

eveningSuch a relief from the sharp gray overcast from that morning.

From my world to your heart!
