The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— I Had Company

My first cousin, Butter Doyle, a Cocker Spaniel—came for a short visit with me.

This was the first time we have had a ‘spend the night’.

It went really well.

Although, Mom had to keep close tabs on Butter so I wouldn’t teach him new tricks…Like eating COW POOP! Or rolling in a really nice warm gushy cow pie.

Mom keeps a close eye on me for the very same reasons.

Anyway we had great walks…Butter and I went with mom THREE TIMES during the night—the moon was bright, the air brisk and Mom couldn’t sleep.  Worked out great for Butter and me.

Butter was rather lonely without his folks, but I think I helped him — I shared my snacks, my water bowl, and my dog dish.

Then Butter’s Mom and Dad were here and swoosh they were gone.

Butter’s Mom and Dad are my Mom’s brother and sister-in-law.


Mindy was glad when Butter left—she hid the whole time.  The second Butter drove down the long lane to the road she was in the house.

That night she claimed her spot on Dad, while they watched TV.



Rocky Chaco Man is back to work.  Chaco the Service Dog is back doing Service work at the Mesa County Library in Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Library just started up the reading program and asked Chaco to come read with the little kids.  Chaco has been a Reading Service Dog for a long, long time. He started his work in Castle Rock, Colorado and is continuing it here.

YAY! ROCKY CHACO MAN! You are a Hero!

Oh…one more thing

It’s a whopping 9* fahrenheit here this morning! That’s -12.7778 celsius, if you don’t live here.

A bit cold!




26 thoughts on “The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— I Had Company

  1. Boomer, I’m glad you have that jacket to keep you warm on days like this. It sounds as if you had a good visit with Butter (even if Mindy wasn’t too happy about it!). Rocky Chaco Man truly is a hero for helping with the reading program.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What fun to have company! I know you and Butter had a good time. Yay for Chaco to be able to go back to helping others. Stay nice and warm in your coat. Maybe Mindy would like a coat, too!! Giggle!! We know she wouldn’t, don’t we?!!


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  3. hello boomer its dennis the vizsla dog hay it shoor wuz gud of yoo to help butter settel in and feel komfortabul dooring his vizzit yoo ar a gud doggy frend!!! and i am glad chaco the reeding dog is bak dooing wot he duz best!!! ok bye

    Liked by 1 person

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