One off the Bucket List—-Monday, February 12, 2018

All along, here and there, are little roped off protected areas housing Burrowing Owls, a protected and endangered little bird along the coast line

They are tiny little things.

We stopped at the MASSIVE and exciting and over-flowing Farmer’s Market, just a short distance from Carolyn and Wayne’s condo

There was so much stuff I could have spent HOURS there just looking at all the booths, but we didn’t have lots of time to spend, as we were on our way to check off an item I have wanted to do forever!

Ride on an AIR BOAT!!!

Not only ride on an air boat, but to see Alligators!

Real Live Alligators!

You really can’t come to Florida and NOT take an airboat ride or see alligators…at least in my mind. 🙂

This man put on a great talk…he is truly an alligator whisper…the little alligator is going to sleep according to his request.

Off now— until later.  More tomorrow I promise!

From my world to yours,



34 thoughts on “One off the Bucket List—-Monday, February 12, 2018

  1. Snap. Snap. Snap.
    We’ve done the gator tour, also. ::shutter::ick::shutter::
    Unforgettable, I’ll take those cute little owls over the gators any day! I’ll have to find those on our next trip to “summer” 🙂 So glad you guys are enjoying yourselves!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What fun! This is what happens when you whip up the courage to get on airplanes! I hate flying, but always tell myself: just think about what you’re gonna see! And that pretty much takes care of it. You look like you are having such good time. Happy travels, friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There’s a river a little north of Tampa where they’ll drop you off with a canoe and you canoe on down to the base. Saw lots of alligators. Kept our hands out of the water!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Fun fun fun…..yes we’ve taken an air boat ride and seen many alligators. Keep enjoying your fun days in Florida. Such great memories you’re making!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So fun! I’ve always wanted to ride an air boat. Did you know they have armadillos in FL too? My grandma lives north of Jacksonville and I was surprised to learn that.

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  6. One of my job sites had those burrowing owls, and they are startling to run into. Not only are they camouflaged, but when I get between one and its burrow, it charges seemingly at me to get to the burrow! It is funny afterward, but startling to see such a mean looking little bird charging like that.

    Liked by 1 person

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