The Shreds of a Beatle Damaged Tree—-Sunday, December 13, 2020

Held captive as a HUGE Heart

Terry freed it to become TWO hearts made of pine.

I have moved them to my Heart garden where their brilliance will burst forth; caressing the plants and our souls.

From my world to your heart,



Not to be Used in a Crackling Fire—Tuesday, December 8, 2020

As we moved through the pile of logs, cutting, loading cutting, rolling the big ones out the way

So we could split them.  I noticed (when I took off that Aspen log sitting on top of that HUGE pine stump)

That it was a HEART!

Terry said he would cut it into manageable pieces —-two for sure, maybe three

After which, I will load up and haul to my gardens where it will grace our yard through the long and bitterly cold winter, into the thick and lush Spring and Summer and its elegance will enhance the brilliant Autumn days.


A Heart Log!

A special gift!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
