I Pushed Through the Panic —- Thursday, March 28, 2019

I pushed through the panic and started the heavy lifting of the old railroad ties.  Terry came over with the four-wheeler and helped.  He on one end and I on the other.

We loaded the ties onto the four-wheeler and drove them over to the coral gardens, which I have decided to spruce up a wee bit also

Terry worked with me for a couple of hours; afterward leaving to go do some work at the Upper End.

I like the new look to the flowerbeds at the corral garden spot.  The old boards were starting to rot so repurposing the boards with the railroad ties will help keep everything going strong there.

Here you can compare…the new beds with the railroad ties and the two older beds.

I hope to get the two older beds freshened today.

We lifted and removed the ties.

Then later as I hauled soil to the repurposed beds and replanted my plants I looked carefully at what was happening!.

Seeing my garden beds with new eyes, so to speak.

And I LOVED it!

I will get everything out this bed and plant it all to grass.

The grass will be so much nicer to deal with!

Since I can’t figure out what to do with the bed where I keep all the bird feeders, I decided to take Janice Blawat’s, Emily Summer’s and  Sara’s advice.

I am going to plant a ground cover or herbs in the bed and hope they smother everything out!


I am moving forward!

Thank you each and everyone for the excellent advice and concern.  I will have to seriously look into a sprinkler system at some point.  Then my work will be shrunk to a more manageable size.  (I hope)

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
