In Spite of Myself—Wednesday, August 7, 2019

(From Pinterest)

After I made my post yesterday, in full intentions of painting the back porch

I, instead, decided to wash all the windows in the house

Then, of course, I decided I would weed.  Just one garden room,

maybe two

By that time I needed to start lunch

Well, it was close enough anyway.

Then after lunch…I had no more excuses…I began.

In a windless hot part of the day I began.  How silly of me.  But by the time I had the walls started and I saw the difference my heart lifted up and I had all sorts of energy to continue.

I am so glad I finally started!  The room is taking shape.  Today I will do the trim and Terry is going to lay a new floor (which is needed desperately), then I will wash down the outside door.

I’m so glad I began!  And my shoulder did NOT hurt at all last night!  YAY!

In a couple of days, I will tackle the bathroom!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
