Going, Going, Almost Gone — Sunday, September 5, 2021

My little flock of Hummingbirds is starting to dwindle

Gradually the feeding at my feeders is becoming less and less

I have gone from 12 feeders

Down to two.

And the reality is, I really only need one.  But I keep up two so they don’t have to fight for a spot.

Soon the Swallows will follow. When that happens the Summer birds are all gone.


Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


This World is Old, and Full of Amazing Wealth—Thursday, August 26, 2021

Everything and everyone is a part of a pattern

Although, if taken separately they seem disconnected

Each tiny piece streaming through space and time

Filling our senses with wonder

And a sweet little message which says: We are all one.

From my world to your heart,






Gradually Their Time with Us is Fading—-Wednesday, September 10, 2019

I have rapidly dwindled down to one hummingbird feeder

Although, I keep two up and filled to the brim.  It keeps fighting down, that way.

I’ve tried all season to capture a good photo of a little hummingbird in flight.  This is the best I can do.  It’s WAY hard to actually photo their bright little feathers, the cute little feets, the glinting sun off their wings.

But I tried anyway.

I hope they make it to warmer parts of our country soon.

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

There was snow in the high country of Utah last night…the expected cold front moving in here today.

We won’t have snow right here, but the high mountains might.

Still, it will bring to us much cooler weather.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,


Glowing in the Sun —- Monday, August 12, 2019

(Stolen from Pinterest)

Sadly summer is going fast!  Ever so fast!

The little Rufus Hummingbirds have arrived…always a signal the migration has begun

Then, yesterday, I noticed I was missing seeing the Robins

and the Oriels.  Darn it.

Summer is sinking fast.

Yes I know it’s still hot.  But time is winding down.

Moving toward that bright heady experience of Harvest and Fall, or Autumn, however, you wish to call it.

School is starting (even started in some places).

There we have it…summer, that most wondrous time of the year, is feeling the long, long shadow of loss of the Spring birds

Kinda sad, really.  But I’m going to take it one day at a time; pretending the cold weather is WAY out there in the future!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



It’s Not All Work —Sunday, August 11, 2019

The back porch, which is really part of my kitchen is coming along nicely.  The new floor is laid, the walls painted, the trim painted and I got the door washed down.

Since this turned out so well, I’m going to start on the bathroom soon.  Maybe next week.


Because we finished and everything looked so nice,  Terry said, “Let’s go for a ride!”

Heck, why not!

We went to Ouray, Colorado for a ‘spin’ stopping on the way back to get a photo of a huge herd of elk.  There were around 30 head grazing in someone pasture, I only got a small portion of them in the photo.

Then another day this week, we got a phone call from some good friends, who were broke down on the Uncompahgre Plateau.

Off we went to help them.  The day was exceptionally warm (well, some people would say BLAZING HOT, but I say exceptionally warm 🙂  ).   Still stunningly beautiful.

The heady scent of sun-warmed rocks, the smell of tree needles, and the sounds of insects beating a perfect rhyme to the plateaus heartbeat—perfect.  We got them down and the repair on the truck an easy fix.

It all turned out well.

Of course, I didn’t get enough paint so there was the quick run to the hardware store and back again.

Then in the evening, as the day starts winding down, so do I and so does Terry.

We sit outside watching the afternoon sun fade and enjoying the heady scent of flowers sliding deliciously over the farm.

I truly must say: Life is Good!

From my world to your heart,


In Spite of Myself—Wednesday, August 7, 2019

(From Pinterest)

After I made my post yesterday, in full intentions of painting the back porch

I, instead, decided to wash all the windows in the house

Then, of course, I decided I would weed.  Just one garden room,

maybe two

By that time I needed to start lunch

Well, it was close enough anyway.

Then after lunch…I had no more excuses…I began.

In a windless hot part of the day I began.  How silly of me.  But by the time I had the walls started and I saw the difference my heart lifted up and I had all sorts of energy to continue.

I am so glad I finally started!  The room is taking shape.  Today I will do the trim and Terry is going to lay a new floor (which is needed desperately), then I will wash down the outside door.

I’m so glad I began!  And my shoulder did NOT hurt at all last night!  YAY!

In a couple of days, I will tackle the bathroom!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,



We Live in Hope —-Monday, May 27, 2019

The wind picked up yesterday

Becoming a menace by the end of the day.

Then the weather cooled down rapidly…going from 82* to 72* (27c – -13c)  within 60 minutes

The wind shrieked,

and pelted us with little shards of dust

Late, late into the evening, all the little hummingbirds feasted at the feeders, trying desperately to fill up– to stay warm, before the thunderstorms arrive today.

This winter storm is to be in here for three days, but…

Maybe if I am lucky I will get to see a rainbow!

That will be really special.

I took this photo years ago at our home town cemetery.  
I think it is still appropriate even today.


Today we remember.

All those who cared for us and our way of life.

Allowing us to live in hope.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,





The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— Where we are Now

Where we are now…the pinto bean harvest is over.  Although, Dad says he isn’t selling the pinto beans right now…he wants to wait for a spell.

There is still irrigation water to set and change. The corn is still in need of water and the alfalfa fields also.

Look at this!  It’s a Foam Ball—pretty cool.  This Foam Ball was made from the foam on the ditch water going around and round and round.  As soon as Mom and Dad removed the dam it was gone.

Mom watches out for me lots now.  She says she does NOT want me wandering off searching for news and stuff…

next month I will be 13 years old and she says my age will get in the way of me staying safe out there in the wilds of the farm.

I rode every day and every second of the whole pinto bean harvest with Mom.  Even in the broiling sun!  Then I rode in the back of the pick up to town and back to go to TRACTOR SUPPLY (that’s MY store) and went with Mom to get parts when the combine broke down.

I was really busy!

But I do stay close to Mom.

Especially out on the ditch bank.

I can still hear well and I can see better than some dogs at my age, but sometimes I wonder if she might be right.

For Instance—last night—way in the dark, when I went out to relieve myself…. I SAW SPACE SHIP LIGHTS!!!

That was scary!

I know about real SCARY things on the farm like, coyotes and stuff like that, but SPACE ALIENS I don’t know anything about and I don’t want to LEARN!!!

So that’s where we are now.  Harvest of the pinto beans is over—the corn harvest is yet to come.  The days are growing shorter and shorter.

And the nights colder.

The hummingbirds are fewer and fewer.  Mom only sees them in the early morning or late in the evening at the feeder.  This morning there were actually 4 drinking.  Yesterday there was only 2.

The Barn Swallows have left; all the summer birds are gone now.  Makes Mom sad…but I tell her there is no reason to be sad.  SHE HAS ME!

WAIT!  What was that?!?  I think I had better so see!


Boomer Brown



The Adventures of Boomer on Friday— For the Birds

Well, here we are …Dad has pulled and bladed all the pinto beans and they are drying in the field.  Now everything depends on the weather for how long it takes the pinto bean pods to dry.

So that is enough about that!

Now about the birds…. the little Barn Swallows are starting to try out their wings.  Every day they fly just a little bit further than yesterday.

Still coming back to sleep in that very crowded nest at night.  FOUR little ones in one nest!  Beats me how they do it.

Sleep in the nest, I mean.  When I look up there they look C.R.O.W.D.E.D!


They aren’t big enough to go out on their own…the mom and dad birds are still feeding them. 

Even when the kids are sitting on the rooftop.

The hummingbirds are becoming less and less here.  Makes Mom sad, but she told me (while petting all over my belly); “They have to leave, Boomie or they could never make it through the winter.  Winter is coming.”


While out doing the ‘stuff’ we always do on the farm

I ran into a couple of pheasants!  Boy! Those birds sure can scare the heck out of me…if I run into them they squawk really loud, flap their wings and fly right up into the air.  Sometimes it scares me so bad I lose my scent on the ground!!!!!


That reminds me.  I saw Quade the Quail yesterday!

Quade was checking out the neighborhood on top of one of Dad’s pieces of equipment. He didn’t run off or jump down or anything, so I stopped by and we had a wee chat.

Quade agrees with me…. Fall is here!  Quade also predicts a hard winter.  I asked him if that means lots of snow…he just shook his head and said Hard.  Very hard.  Then lifted his wings and flew way up into the nearby tree.

Well, I guess hard is hard.  Either too dry or too much snow.  I guess only time will tell.

Boomer Beaglie Brown

The Joy of Thunder—- Thursday, August 23, 2018

We have had rain!!!

Beautiful cool misty rain…although not long, nor in sheets of showers

But still, it is rain!  Other places around us got more rain than we.  But I will take whatever we get and feel a relief at that!

Even the little hummingbirds calmly rested on the flowers as the thunder rolled over-head

In the stillness after the storm(s) rolled through the little birds fed in the bright pearled mist

The earth not so wet we slipped as we walked along the ditch banks.

Still, the moisture in the air, the lack of smoke because of the rain was all bliss!

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
