Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What a wonderful couple of days….full of food, family and gifts.  My brother and his wife stopped by on their way to sunny California, their car was full of gifts for us.  A complete surprise and much enjoyed.


The snow we had is melting down here, but in the mountains it looks like it is staying.  As I write this we are in another winter storm watch…Terry and I agree we will take it if it means snow in the mountains.


Our soon-to-be  daughter-in-law arrived last night from Grand Cash, Alberta, Canada for a week of visits.  She said we are much warmer here. 🙂


Hope your holidays were wonderful.  I’m off to visit your blogs now and then back to   packing up all my Christmas decorations.

We are heading toward 2013…  Boy, does time fly!


12 thoughts on “Wednesday, December 26, 2012

  1. Sounds like you all had a nice Christmas. We did too…. But–no snow here (YET)… We did get lots of FOG and lots and lots of RAIN… Yuk!!! Glad your mountains are getting lots of snow…. Yeah!!!!!

    Have a great week with your company. When is the wedding?


  2. I really like your new header photo.
    A daughter in law from Grand Cache…Lucky you!
    Yes it would be much warmer in Delta. It’s minus 23 here this morning and that will probably be the high!


  3. Your pictures are really pretty, Linda! Glad you had a good Christmas and a wonderful surprise, too. Enjoy your visit from your future DIL!

    Happy New Year and blessings!


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