The Farm is Our Heart—-Monday, March, 26, 2018

Thankfully we got all the wood cut and piled.  Our youngest daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren came and helped us finished up the wood.  We are set now for at least a couple of years, depending on the weather.

The signs of spring are here, they are in the air, on the earth, in the fading sun or the rising sun, in the lighting shadows and the lengthening day.

I still feed the Red-Winged Blackbirds, although I’m seeing more and more Song birds in the yard and on the farm

I love their songs and strive to keep them here, as long as they will stay.  But as soon as the Upper End and the Back Forty green up…they will be gone to sing and mate in that special wonderland they call home.

Then once they are gone—the hummingbirds come so my little bird kitchen stays steady with the joy of winged-friends.

Everyday now is a call to the land, where work is not drudgery, but jubilation—we are adding to the chorus called Spring.

From my world to your heart,
