Summer’s Scents and Sounds (Although Summer isn’t here until next week )—Sunday, June 10, 2018

We are way too hot and too dry.  I know that other states are in the same scary place in time. Although I know I didn’t want rain during haying season, rain would be a very good thing now.

We are checking and changing water on a constant basis.  Terry is doing better, but I still must go with him to set the tubes.  Walking on a slanted ditch bank is just not possible for him at the moment.

The summer flowers are starting to come into the forefront of the yard now…with the spring blooms fading in the hot dry heat. (YAY! I LOVE SUMMER!)

Lady, that most wonderful mule, has gone to summer camp to work with Shannon’s friends on their huge cow ranch and with their Outfitter mules.  She had gotten very restless and in need of ‘something to do’.  Velvet and Cole just love her.  Cole is even riding her instead of one of his other mules.  Cole only rides mules.   They say she is a very good mule.  I’m so glad Shannon was able to spend the year helping Lady learn that all humans are not mean and cruel.

I miss her sweet mule kisses and when she would talk to me as I brought her apples. Still, I think it is a good thing she has a job to do.  She was VERY fidgety.

Our days are quiet, every day filled with the smell of roses

The sun pouring down, tingling upon or skin, glittering on the water, running or still.

As bigger and brighter colors fill my yard sparkling in the light.

Your friend on a western Colorado farm,
