The Adventures of Fuzzy and Boomer on Friday — Thirteen Years and Counting

This is my BIRTHDAY month!


Mom says I have a whole month for a birthday!  That is because she doesn’t really know when I was born!  I was a lost dog when Mom and Misty found me.

I was also five years old when Mom and Misty found me.

You see I was ‘dumped off’ in the country by my other people.  Since I am part Border collie and part Sheltie (that is what my vet says) I sat by the side of the road where they dumped me for days and days and days.  Anytime Mom or Misty would try to get me I would run off…I was waiting for my people to come back, you see.

I waited until I went from 40 pounds to 25 pounds.  I was sooooooooooo hungry I almost couldn’t run anymore.  But I waited!

Then Misty came out with ROAST BEEF!  That was it…I was Mom’s for life.  Mom took me home and gave me lots of love and took me to the vet and well…here we are eight years later!


Since Mom brought me home in June that is when my birthday is…I get a whole month…because neither she nor I could figure out a good day.



Dad had a meeting so Mom, Boomer and I did the water without Dad.  We had lots to do.


A skunk got in one of the gated pipes so we had to get it out and then bury it.


Boomer and I wanted to sniff it up really well, but Mom didn’t let us….  “Leave the dead alone you guys!” she said.


We had to walk up to the middle of the pinto bean field and check on a pipe there…it was horribly HOT!


Then we rode the four-wheeler up to the hay field to see how the alfalfa was in the hay making process.  Boomer jumped off because he smelled a cool smell and had to run home.


Then we sat outside and had a couple of really yummy Dog Treats and a milk bone for my Birthday while Mom watched the hummingbirds. And I got lots and lots and lots of pets.  Boomer got some too, but it was my special day so Boomer had to let me have the most!


Then around 10 o’clock that night we all went back out and changed the water in the front corn field.

It sure was a nice day!

A perfect Birthday just for me!
